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圣女贞德(1412年1月6日-1431年5月30日),被称为「奥尔良的少女」,是法国的民族英雄、军事家,天主教会的圣女。英法百年战争(1337年-1453年)时她带领法国军队对抗英军的入侵,支持法查理七世加冕,为法国胜利做出贡献。“她持续领导着军队进行了一系列不可思议的胜利,扭转了整场战争的局面。”最终被俘,被宗教裁判所以异端和女巫罪判处火刑。 审判的纪录证明了贞德有着卓越的才智。纪录中最著名的一段质问是:“你是否觉得自己受到上帝的恩典?” 这个问题是一个学术上的陷阱。根据当时教会的教条,没有人可以肯定他自己受到上帝的恩典,如果她做出肯定答复,那她就证明了自己是异端邪说。而如果她的答复是否定的,那她就承认了自己是有罪的。 贞德回答:“如果没有的话,希望上帝能赐与我;如果我已得到,希望上帝仍给予我。” 公证人Boisguillaume后来证实了当时法庭在听到了贞德的回复后,“那些质问她的人全都目瞪口呆”,并且只得暂停了那天的审问。这一段质问后来非常知名,在现代成为了许多领域的题材。  * The Hundred Years’ War What is the Hundred Years’ War The Hundred Years’ War refers to the war between England and France that lasted intermittently from 1337 to 1453. Several other contemporary European conflicts were directly related to this conflict : the Breton War of Succession(布列塔尼继承战), the Castilian Civil War(卡斯蒂利亚内战), the War of the Tow Peters(双彼得斯战役), and the 1383~1385 Crisis. The term “Hundred Years’ War” was a later term invented by historians to describe the series of events. The causes of the war The territorial causes: The possession by the English kings of the large duchy (公爵领地)in France, while the French coveted(觊觎) this large slice The economic causes : The cloth manufacturing town in Flanders, which were the importer of English wool, but they were loyal to the France king politically. The other causes: England’s desire to stop France from giving aid to Scotland; A growing sense of English nationalism The incident that triggered off the war——Throne Edward Ⅲ Philip Ⅵ The war broke out The phases of the war: The Edwardian War爱德华时期(1337------1360) The Caroline War卡罗琳战争时期(1360-----1400) The Lancastrian War该兰克斯特战争时期(1415----1429) The Joan of Arc圣女贞德时期(1429------1453) Western Europe in 1382 Western Europe in 1430 Western Europe in 1470 The Black Death Wat Tyler Joan of Arc The Black Death(1348~1350) The Black Death is the modern name given to the deadly epidemic(流行的) disease spread by rat fleas across E


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