研听力(下)Unit 3.ppt

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研听力(下)Unit 3

Unit Three Earthquake Part One Listening Practice Section A News Reports News Report 1 Notes: rescue[reskju:]n. rescuing or being rescued营救, 救援, 营救 [救援] 行动 v. save or bring away sb/sth from danger, captivity, etc营救, 救援; 使免遭损失 Tibet[tibet](地名) 西藏 exile [eksail] n. being sent away from one’s native country or home, esp. for political reasons or as a punishment; forced absence流放,放逐,离乡背井,被流放者 vt. send sb. into exile流放, 放逐某人 buddhist [budist] adj 佛教的 Dalai Lama (人名)达赖喇嘛 A. Listen to the news report and select the best answer to each question or to complete each statement. A. Listen to the news report and select the best answer to each question or to complete each statement. 1. According to the news report, who has met with the people after the earthquake? ( B) 2. According to the news report, which part of the country was destroyed by the earthquake? ( C ) 3. When did the earthquake shake the area? ( D ) 4. Dalai Lama _____ Chinese leaders for their quick reaction to the disaster. ( A ) B. Listen to the news report again and complete each sentence with the missing words or phrases. 1. The Xinhua News Agency says that more than 1700 people were killed in Yushu earthquake. 2. Chinese officials report almost 12000 other people were hurt in Yushu earthquake. 3. Tibets exiled Buddhist religious leader the Dalai Lama said that he wants to visit the affected area to offer his support. News Report 2 Notes: survivor [s?vaiv?] n. person who has survived生还者,幸存者,善于从苦难中逃生者 high altitude sickness n. 高原反应 Tibetan Plateau n. 西藏高原 A. Listen to the news report and decide whether the statements are true or false. Write a “T” (True) in the bracket if it is true or an “F” (False) if false. 1. (F) This news is about an earthquake happening in Sichuan province in China. (About an earthquake in Qinghai province) 2. (F) The number of deaths has now risen to 11,000. (The number of dead has now risen to 791.) 3. (T) The earthquake mentioned in the news caused


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