研究生 英汉翻译之双关翻译.ppt

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研究生 英汉翻译之双关翻译

Translation between English and Chinese Pun 双关的翻译 Nida has pointed out that: “a good translation should give target language readers the equivalent information and the same artistic enjoyment as source language readers get from the source text.” He defines dynamic equivalence translation as “the closest natural equivalent to the source-language message. (1) equivalent, which points toward the source-language message (2) natural, which points toward the target lanuage (3) closest, which binds the two orientations together on the basis of the highest degree of approximation.” So translators can at best approxinate, but never achieve, complete translation equivalence between source language translation and target language translation. Common methods to translate puns 1. using pun to translate pun 2. using substitute 3. using paronym to compensate pun 4. using shifting 5. preserving both the surface meaning and the underlying meaning 6. preserving either the surface meaning or the underlying meaning 7. using explanatory translation 8. adding notes 1. using pun to translate pun 【1】Your sister is given to government. (C. Dickens: Great Expectations) First Gentleman:… I am sound. Lucio: Nay, not as one would say, healthy; but so sound as things that are hollow: thy bones are hollow; impiety has made a feast of thee. (W. Shakespeare: Measure for Measure) [参考译文] 绅士甲: 我的身体响当当。 路奇欧:响当当的,并不结实;就像空心的东西那样响当当的:你的骨头都空了;好色的毛病把你掏空了。 (英若诚 译) 2. using substitute When it subsided some, Crosby asked Newt what he did. “I paint.” “Houses?” “Pictures.” “I’ll be damned,” said Crosby. [参考译文] 等那股热乎劲过去了一些,克罗斯比问牛特是干哪一行的。 “我是摆弄颜色的。” “油漆匠?” “画画的。” “真他妈看不出来,”克罗斯比说。 Why is river rich? Because it has two banks. version one: 为什么说河流是富裕的? 因为它有两个银行啊! 原文bank是双关:一指河岸,二指银行。 version two: 为什么说河水富有?因为它总是向前流。 或者 因为它年年有鱼啊。 3. using paronym to compensate pun If we don’t hang together, we shall assuredly hang sep


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