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Unit Six Two Truths to Live By Hold fast,and let go:understand this paradox, and you stand at the very gate of wisdom Part. 1 (Para 1 ) Main idea : [1]The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. 生活的秘诀在于懂得何时抓紧,何时放松。 Part 2 (para.2~9) Main idea : [2]Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous,and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of Gods own earth. 毫无疑问,我们应该牢牢抓住生命,因为它奇妙,它有一种在上帝创造的世界里无孔不入、无处不在的美。 [3]We remenber a beauty that faded,a love that waned. 我们能记起已经凋谢的美、已经消逝的爱。 we did not see that beauty when it flowered,that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered. 可是,我们更痛苦的回忆 是:我们没有看见顶峰时的美,没有在别人以爱对我之时也以爱回报。 [7] Then I remembered how often I ,too,had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day,too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all. 这时我想到自己过去又何尝不是往往对每天的壮观景象视而不见,一头埋在细小的,有时甚至是卑鄙、自私的事务中,而对日常的奇观麻木不仁呢? [8] lifes gifts are precious— but we are too heedless them. 生命的赐予是宝贵的,可惜我们对它们太掉以轻心了。 [9] Here then is the first pole of lifes paradoxical demands on us:Never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life.Be reverent before each dawning day.Embrace each hour.Seize each golden minute. 这就是人生向我们提出的矛盾要求的第一个方面:不要因为太忙就忽视了生活中令人惊奇、令人敬畏的东西。每天黎明开始就要恭谨从事。抓紧每个小时,捉住宝贵的每一分钟。 Part 3 (Para10-12) [10] we must accept our losses,and learn how to let go. 我们必须接受损失,学会放松。 Part3 10-12 [12]At every stage of life we sustain losses—and grow in the process. 在生命的每个阶段上,我们都要蒙受损失——但也是在这个过程中得到成长。 Part4 13-17 [13] But why should we be reconciled to lifes contradictory demands?Why fashion things of beauty when beauty is evanescent?Why give our heart in love when those we love will ultimately be torn from oue grasp? 但是,为什么我们甘愿顺从于这些生活的矛盾需求呢?既然美转眼就会消逝,那为什么我们还要去创造那些美的东西呢?既然我们所爱的终归要被夺走,为什么我们还要倾心相爱呢? [14] In order to resolve this paradox,we must seek a wider perspective,viewing our lives as through windows that open on eternity. 为了要解决这个矛盾,我们必须寻找一个较为广阔的视角,透过通向永恒的窗口来观看我们的生命。 [15]


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