研究生英语视听说 Unit 1 Environmental Protection.ppt

研究生英语视听说 Unit 1 Environmental Protection.ppt

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研究生英语视听说 Unit 1 Environmental Protection

Unit One Environmental Protection What happened? August 9, 2004 CCTV News Survey Backgrounds 淮河水污染造成了众多的肿瘤村。三面环水的黄孟营村长期处在污染的包围之中,井水与河水一样又黑又臭,全村84%的青壮年常年拉肚子, 育龄夫妇中多数人患有不育症,人口呈负增长,新生儿畸形,早夭现象屡见不鲜;在近十年的应征青年入伍体检中竟无一人合格;已有54人分别死于各种消化道和呼吸道癌症,其中有两户(8人)成“绝户”。污染致病,污染致贫,污染致命成为村民的共识。村民张桂芝,患食道癌晚期,她想喝口干净水,已无法吞咽,用尽最后一丝力气,绝望地看者自己的村庄。 Discussion 1 What types of environmental pollution are there now in the world? water pollution, sound pollution (noise pollution), air pollution, light pollution, etc. Discussion 2 What has caused all these forms of pollution? Vocabulary Ingenious: Clever Junkyard: A yard or lot that is used to store junk, such as scrap metal or resalable car parts. Bulky: Of large size for its weight Scrap: Discarded waste material Extended Listening Practice World Environment Day Commitment: Pledge or responsibility Kalimantan: 加里曼丹 (in Indonesia) Kenya: 肯尼亚 ( A country of east-central Africa) Nitrogen: [化]氮 Terrestrial: Living or growing on land Aquatic: Living or growing in, on, or near the water Ecosystem: 生态系统 Coral reef: 珊瑚礁 Marine: Of or relat-ing to the sea Affluent: Plentiful Watershed: 分水岭 Oral Practice Describing People’s Physical Appearance —— What does he / she look like? —— Can you describe him / her? —— He / she is … He / she seems … He / she looks …(a little / quite / pretty / very / extremely ) can all be used to modify adjectives HEIGHT How tall is he / she? He is about 178 centimeters. She is about 1 point 6 meters tall. He / she is short / about average height / tall. BUILD How much does he / she weigh? He weighs about 160 pounds. She weighs about 45 kilograms / kilos. AGE How old is he / she? He / she is young / middle-aged (40-60) / old / elderly (over 70). He / she is an infant / a baby / a kid (child) / a teenager (13-19) / an adult. He / she is in his / her early- (20-23) / mid- (24-26) / late- (27-29) twenties. FACE What does his / her face look like


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