研究生英语综合教程下unit2 8,9段自制ppt.ppt

研究生英语综合教程下unit2 8,9段自制ppt.ppt

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研究生英语综合教程下unit2 8,9段自制ppt

commercialization and changes in sports 研16电子 陈晨 unit2 reading focus 8,9 paragraph para8. 1.Commercialization also leads to changes in the organizations that control sports. 商业化同样会导致那些控制体育的组织发生变化。 commercialization and changes in sports 2. When sports begin to depend on generating revenues, the control of sport organizations usually shifts further and further away from the players. 当体育开始依赖于创造收入时,体育组织的控制权就会离运动员越来越远。 3.In fact, the players often lose effective control over the conditions of their own participation in the sport. 事实上,运动员常常对于自身的体育参与环境失 去有效控制。 commercialization and changes in sports 课文翻译:这些环境越来越受控于下列人员: 总经理、运动队老板、企业赞助商、广告商、传媒人员、营销和宣传人员、专业管理人员、会计师以及经纪人。 4. These conditions come under the control of general managers, team owners, corporate sponsors, advertisers, media personnel, marketing and publicity staff, professional management staff, accountants, and agents. marketing and publicity staff (line 6) commercialization and changes in sports publicity :n 1)the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers,television. 公众的注意 e.g. The case has generated enormous publicity in Brazil. 这起犯罪事件已在巴西引起了公众的极大关注 2)publicity is information or actions that are intended to attract the publics attention to someone or something. 宣传,广告 e.g. 会谈之前做了大量的宣传。 Much advance publicity was given to the talks. commercialization and changes in sports In the worlds major sports league, no professional players would exit because of the inappropriate shoes, but in the CBA, this scene has become a farce on the eve of the Chinese Basketball League professional reform . 在世界各大体育联赛中,没有人见过任何一个职业球员曾经因为鞋子不合适而选择中途退场,但在CBA,这一幕却成为了中国篮球联赛职业化改革前夜的一场闹剧。 commercialization and changes in sports para9 1. The organizations t


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