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研英Lesson Two

Writing features of Schnur’s novel Schnur’s novel is poignant and haunting. His direct, first-person narrative draws readers into his world, one of pleasure and puzzlement, action and reflection. The fantasy elements are smoothly integrated into the story, and add a unique slant to a frequently covered topic. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson,1803年-1882年),生于波士顿。 美国思想家、文学家、诗人。 爱默生是确立 美国文化精神的代表人物。 美国前总统林肯称他为“美国的孔子”、“美国文明之父”。 Catherine Pulsifer Her first book: Wings for Wisdom Her website: She lives in New Brunswick, Canada with her husband and best friend, Byron I have a goal — “to help others build a more rewarding and successful life by providing motivational and inspirational material and products to challenge your thinking.” 课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.2) So, joining the annual commencement procession seemed faintly fraudulent: None of the undergraduates were former students nor, in all likelihood, were those receiving graduate degrees. 因此,我参加年度的毕业典礼似乎有点儿名不符实;在场的本科生中没有我教过的学生,并且,十有八九,在即将取得研究生学位的人中也没有。 课文重点语句分析及翻译 But this year, impelled by an impulse I didn’t understand until midway through commencement, I joined the faculty procession, gowned and hooded and slightly bewildered by the press of so many proud parents, by the great throng of graduating students, and by the piercing brass clarity of the accompanying quintet. (Para.3) 可是今年,受了一种莫名的冲动的驱使(直到毕业典礼进行到一半我才明白自己为什么会冲动),我加入到了典礼上教师的行列里—身披长袍,戴着方形帽,面对眼前聚拢在一起的这么多自豪的家长、成群结队的毕业生以及伴奏的五人铜管乐队奏出的嘹亮清脆的乐曲声,我感到有点儿不知所措。 课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.4) Outwardly, little had changed: The same cavernous tent spanned the great lawn, the same huge flower baskets flanked the stone terrace the students would cross to receive their diplomas. 表面上看,变化不大;横跨在大草坪上的同样的洞穴式帐篷;摆放在学生们领文凭时要穿过的石头平台两侧的是同样的大花篮。 课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.5) It was a heady, bewildering moment and it all came rushing back along with the strains of “Pomp and Circumstance”. 这是一个令人兴奋而迷茫的时刻,随着“辉煌与机遇”乐曲的奏响,时光又急速地倒转。 课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.5)


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