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(the last two line,paragraph 20) Many urban households have female heads, and typically these are poorer and more vulnerable than households with a couple. 城市中存在很多以妇女为首的家庭,这些家庭通常比那些夫妻双方共同持家的家庭更贫困、更脆弱。 Typically: 1、通常 例:It typically takes a day or two, depending on size. 这通常需要一天或两天,依大小而定. 2、一贯地 例:Typically, the Norwegians were on the mountain two hours before anyone else. 挪威人一贯比其他人早两个小时到山上。 3、典型地 例:The?disease?typically?manifested itself in?a?high fever?and?chest pains. 这种疾病的典型症状是发烧和胸痛。 Challenges for the Future grassroots n.农业区, 基层, 基础 ,草根 adj. 基层的;乡村的 ;草根的 1、He said this grassroots movement wants to send the message to the Iranian people that they support them in their struggle. 阿米迪说,他的草根运动希望把信息送给伊朗人民,这个信息就是,他们支持伊朗人的斗争。 2、To encourage grassroots input, civil society and community organisations should be included in the entire research process. 为了改善基层投入,民间团体和社区组织应该纳入到整个研究过程中。 fall far short of:远低于 1、But foreign business representatives say the proposal still appears to fall far short of their requirements on several accounts. 但外国企业代表说,这一提议在几个事项上似乎离他们的要求还很远。 2、The stimulus bill, on the administration’s own estimates, will limit the rise in unemployment but fall far short of restoring full employment. 奥巴马的刺激法案,据政府自己估计,将限制失业率的上升,但是远未能恢复充分就业。 1、prepare for :为…准备,使有准备 2、literacy rates:识字率 3、equalize with:与…平衡 eg:Never fight with idiots. Because they will equalize your EQ with theirs and defeat you with rich experience. 永远不要和白痴争辩。因为他会把你的智商拉到和他同一水平,然后用丰富的经验打败你! * * 素材风暴:/ PPT模板:/ AE视频:/ PSD素材:/html/psd/ 矢量素材:/html/vector/ Flash素材:/html/flash/ 图片素材:/html/photo/ PS插件:/html/pschajian/ UNIT 5 TEXT A Gender , Poverty and Environment 小组成员: 秦 峰 paragraph 19 齐 玉 paragraph 20 刘 静 paragraph 24 刘 锦 paragraph 25 Until recently, the link between gender, the environment and urbanization was mostly seen as rural women being left behind in rural areas to take


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