禅 英语简介.ppt

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禅 英语简介

Why do people need Zen? There is no coincidence that people need Zen. The conditions under which people practise Zen ------ life purgatory: A: frequent wars and plagues B: natural calamities: famines, earthquakes, droughts, floods C: spiritual plights and mental torments Prelude: --- life is essentially difficult; and Zen resounds / echoes in tune this painful utterance of the heart and mind. Three Buddhist life poisons come as : 1. unclarity (无明) ? greed (贪), which are rooted in the six senses of seeing, hearing, smell, tasting, touch, feeling. 2. fury and jealousy (嗔) (because people do not have or possess.) 3. infatuation ( 痴) (mental attraction too stubborn and firm to reason) Conclusively, the above three poisons can be reduced into one --- desire Why do we feel disturbed? Where does this disturbance come from? Where do worries, anxiety spring from? “身是菩提树,心如明镜台; 时时勤拂拭,莫使有尘埃。” --- From 神秀 human body is compared with a tree of wisdom, and the mind remains as clean as a mirror. With frequent cleanings, the mirror can be free from any dirt. “菩提本无树,明镜亦非台; 佛性常清静,何处惹尘埃。” --- From 慧能 Bodhi is fundamentally not a tree in form; The clean mirror is also not a stand. Buddhist nature is basically clean and clear; as a result, no dust can be attracted to its surface. The teaching of Buddha: ------- life is permeated with sufferings caused by desire; sufferings cease when desire ceases. Enlightenment is obtained through right conduct and wisdom, and meditation releases one from desire and sufferings and helps gain rebirth (redemption). Why do we need Zen? When we feel troubled, we need to escape. However, we judge, we differentiate, we concern, we love, we cannot afford to lose. That is where worries come from. What is Zen in a real sense? By giving up the knowledge


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