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* 吃在福清 玩在福清 学在福清 译:福清简称“融”,雅称玉融,地处福建省海峡西岸经济区中部枢纽和省会中心城市福州南翼,是一座古老而又年轻的城市,是全国首批综合改革试点县市,全国村镇建设试点县市,是全国著名侨乡,历史悠久,素有“海滨邹鲁,文献名邦”之美誉。 Fuqing referred to as melting, said Ya-yu Rong, located in the central hub of the Economic Zone in Fujian Province and Fuzhou, the provincial capital cities South Wing, is an ancient and young city, is the first comprehensive reform of the national pilot counties and cities, villages and towns nationwide the pilot counties and cities, is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, has a long history, known as beach Zou Lu, documents were state of good reputation. 福清汉堡 Taoist Mountain in Fujian: Dan Zhushan 弥勒岩Maitreya rock 弥勒岩,别名瑞岩山,位于福清市海口镇牛宅村,距县城约10公里,古称“瑞岩丹洞”,是一人文与自然景观兼胜的风景游览区。弥勒岩有嶙峋的岩峰或卧或悬,或离或合,幽姿万千,令人赞叹不已。弥勒岩山麓,有一高大石佛盘膝而坐,这就是名闻遐迩的弥勒石雕像。 Maitreya rock, alias Swiss rock, located in Haikou Town, Fuqing City, cattle HongNing crystal crafts factory, about 10 kilometers away from the county town, ancient times known as Swiss rock Dan Cave, is a human and the natural landscape and scenic and tourist areas wins. Maitreya rock with magnificent Yanfeng, or lying, or hanging, or from or combined with stunning pose have thousands of amazing. Maitreya Rock foothills, there is a tall stone Buddha sitting cross-legged, which is fame of stone statues of Maitreya. 瑞云塔位于龙江北岸,号称南天玉柱 Zuiun tower is located in Longjiang north shore, known as Nam Tin Yu-zhu 野马山上各具形态的石头,让你连想翩翩。到村庄可体会当地纯朴的渔家风情;乘坐渔船感受大海的广阔;饱食鲜美的海鲜;海里纵情的畅游,捡贝壳捉螃蟹,撬带壳的海食品、体会儿时的乐趣;,独有一番回归大自然的情趣。 The mustang mountain fixes every utensil form stone , lets your company want to dance lightly. Arrive at a village but experience honest fisherman‘s family of local amorous feeling; Vast riding in a fishing boat experiencing ocean; Eat delicious seafood fully; Sea mile as much as one likes travel , pick up shell to capture crab, pry the sea food bringing shell along , experience delight in the infanthood; 吊床Hammock The seat wayside pavilion, observes ocean , looks at the setting sun , livin


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