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Unit 2 What is a scientific theory? 何为科学理论? arbitrary [ɑ:bitr?ri] adj. [数] 任意的;武断的;专制的 arbitrary function 随意函数;任意函数 arbitrary value 任意值 A red light doesnt seem to enter into this sense of the arbitrary and differential. 红灯看起来并没有,任意性和差异性。 Theory of Gravity 万有引力定律 General Theory of Relativity 相对论 provisional [pr?uvi??n?l] adj. 临时的,暂时的;暂定的 n. 临时邮票 Its at this point of a possible confusion, at least a momentary, provisional confusion, that we know that the poet has identified with the sun. 这有一点迷惑性,至少是一种瞬间而来的迷惑,我们知道作者认为自己等同于太阳。 hypothesis英 [ha?‘p?θ?s?s]美 [ha?’pɑθ?s?s] 假设 [ 复数 hypotheses ] hypothesis test 假设检验 1. I can see that this hypothesis is true in my life and I expect it to also be true in yours. 我知道,这个假设在我的生活中确实是这样的,我希望它在你们的生活中也是真的。 2. A suggested explanation, so long as its correctness is still in doubt, is called a hypothesis. 提出来的解释,只要它的正确性仍然有疑问, 便称为假说。 contradict 英 [k?ntr?‘d?kt] 美 [’kɑntr?‘d?kt] 反驳、否认、与….相矛盾、与…相抵触 1. contradict oneself 自相矛盾 2. She does not like to contradict her husband in public. 她不喜欢当众与丈夫顶嘴。 3. His account contradicted itself. 他的解释自相矛盾。 4. Her words contradicted her deeds. 她的言行不一致。 falsify [f?:lsifai] vt. 伪造;篡改;歪曲;证明...虚假 vi. 撒谎 [ 过去式falsified 过去分词falsified 现在分词falsifying ] falsify certificates 伪造执照 to falsify facts, issue, etc.歪曲事实、问题等等 In fact, the design proposals on offer variously ignore and/or falsify what is established about biological evolution. 事实上,提供的设计提议,是对有关生物进化的种种忽略和歪曲。 modify [‘m?d?fa?] vt. 修改,修饰;更改 vi. 修改 1. The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society. 工业革命改变了英国社会的整体结构。 2. Youd better modify your tone. 你最好缓和一下你的口气。 be supposed to = should 应当 be not supposed to = should not 不应当 1. The cover be supposed to protect the machine from dust . 这个盖子会保护机器不进灰尘。 2. Well, the experiment do not turn out quite like it be supposed to, but let s just say it do . 哦!这个实验结果并不像理论所讲的,但我们(照理论)还是依样画葫芦吧。 carry out vt. 执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成 carry on 继续 carry forward 发扬光大 ; 推进 ; 发扬 ; 转入下一页下期等 carry


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