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立场文件格式要求及范例【格式要求】1、正文之前居左对齐内容需标明以下信息(抬头加粗,内容不加粗):代表:英文委员会用拼音表示,中文委员会用中文表示学校:国家:使用国家名全称委员会:使用委员会全称议题:2、字体、字号英文委员会使用 Times New Roman 字体,标题为小三号加粗,其余为小四中文委员会使用宋体字体,标题为小三号加粗,其余为小四3、行距:单倍4、写作结构、字数篇幅均由代表自行把握注:以下范例均来自与联合国官方网站联合国大会第65届会议中国立场文件,并未经过裁剪,篇幅较长,其范例仅在于格式,而非在其内容,悉请各位代表注意【英文委】Position PaperDelegates:School:Country:ChinaCommittee:General AssemblyTopic:I. The Role of the United Nations (UN)The international situation continues to undergo profound and complex changes. Multi-polarity and economic globalization are deepening. Peace, development and cooperation represent both the more powerful trend of the times and the stronger aspiration of the countries of the world. World economy witnesses a slow, unbalanced and multi-speed recovery. Global issues such as climate change, energy security and public health are still prominent with imbalances in development becoming even worse. Regional hotspot issues keep emerging and local disturbances crop up from time to time, making the security situation more complex and diverse. There are multiple destabilizing factors and uncertainties in the world, posing a host of new difficulties and challenges to world peace and development.The UN, as the most universal, representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization, is the most important platform to practice multilateralism. Since its founding, the UN has played a significant and irreplaceable role in upholding world peace, promoting common development and facilitating international cooperation. China always values the status and role of the UN and upholds the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. China supports the UN, under the current circumstances, in further harnessing its advantages and taking effective actions to coordinate international efforts in response to global threats and challenges and continuing to play a central role in international affairs.II. UN ReformsChina supports necessary and reasonable reforms by the UN in the light of the d


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