
第7部分: 短文写作.doc

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第7部分: 短文写作

第七部分:短文写作 (第51题,30分) 一、基本写作步骤 1.审题 所谓审题,就是审清作文的要求和所给的材料,如图表说明、关键词、段首句、提纲等等。审题是写作的第一步,也是文章成功的关键所在之一。在考试之中,由于时间仓促,心情紧张,匆忙审题,造成离题万里的现象屡见不鲜。因此可以说能否审清题意是作文、乃至考试成败的关键。在平时进行写作练习的时候,就要有意识地养成认真审题,仔细研究的良好习惯。 弄清作文要求之后,就要确定文章的主题思想。主题思想明确、深刻,才能确保文章言之有物,顺理成章。围绕主题去构思、写作文章,才能思路清晰,不致节外生枝离题万里。 2.提纲 提纲有利于作者理清思路。尤其在考场上,根据提纲写作,能写出层次分明,逻辑性强,表意清晰的好文章,可避免考试时由于情绪紧张而造成的不应有的失误。 提纲有多种类型,可详可略,写作时也可根据自己的经验和特点编写适合于自己的提纲。常见的提纲种类有罗列式提纲、主题式提纲、句子式提纲。所谓罗列式提纲,就是根据题目和所给材料,围绕中心思想,罗列一系列相关的词、短语或句子。主题式提纲比较简略,只写出文章的主题思想即可,写作时依据主题思想,围绕重点,进行扩充和展开。句子式提纲比较详细,顾名思义,就是用句子把文章的主要观点写出来。 3.成文 文章的组织结构:一定要按所列提纲写。一般分为开头、正文、结尾3部分 (1)开头;如引语法、主题句法、提问法、事例法、描述法等。 常用句式: ① There is an old /popular saying /proverb which says /goes….. ② Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the importance/ seriousness of … ③There are different opinions among people as to …Some believe … Others, however, disagree with it. They think… ④….has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. ⑤ One of our ancient philosophers said, …..Chinese people have always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality. (2) 主体: 要注意启承转合,常用句型: ① On the contrary, there are some people in favor of ……. They believe …..Moreover, they think….. ② There are many ways to ….. First, _____. Second _____. Finally, ______. ③ Confronted with______, we should take a series of effective measures to _____. For one thing, ____. For another, ______. Finally, _______. (也可用于结尾) ④ Although the popular belief is a fact, a current study(survey/investigation) indicates that... (3) 结尾 总结文章的主要内容,或者提出希望或展望未来,或者对文章提出的观点进行反问,启发读者思考。如:An open China has realized the importance of business. Why should we give up this opportunity and rely on agriculture? 常用句型: ① From what has been discussed /mentioned above, we may conclude that… ② Therefore, it is not difficult to draw /come to the conclusion that…. ③ Only in this way/ in doing so, can sth. be really …. ④


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