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the outline of the course introduction (language and thought and culture) sentence translation (structure) dicourse translation translation of educational works mostly from Chinese to English so, there is a complex relationship between language and culture. 英译汉时,往往要先分析句子的结构,形式,才能确定句子的功能、意义; it seems essential that a translation represents an original text in another language, but the demand that it communicate the meaning of that original to the target audience runs into problems in secondary communication situations.( the receptor audience does not have the same, or even similar, background context) 汉译英时,往往要先分析句子的功能、意义,才能确定句子的结构、形式。 全园绿化、果园面积近2000亩,湖面500亩,以水为灵魂,充分利用生态资源和自然景观优势,结合人造景观,集全国珍稀花卉、植物、盆景、瓜果、蔬菜之大全,结合品种展示、观光休闲做成四大功能区:精品花卉大观园、瓜果采摘园、亲水休闲区、健身运动区。 市长在招待外国专家的宴会上的祝辞: 尊敬的罗伯特先生,尊敬的怀特女士,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好! 中国有句古话,叫做“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!”今天,由罗伯特先生和怀特女士率领的美国马里兰州教育代表团一行16人来我市参观访问,我代表全市中小学的广大学生和老师对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎。 近年来,合肥的中小学老师们积极参加基础教育的课程改革,正在对传统的应试教育进行反思,更加重视素质教育。我们从2001年开始,有系统地对教师进行继续教育。到2005年,已经有12万5千多名教师完成了第一轮继续教育,获得证书。从2006年到2008年,又有2万名英语教师接受了第二轮继续教育。教师的英语素质和教学能力有了明显提高。 希望各位美国专家在参观中对我们的教育教学提出宝贵意见。同时祝愿专家们的访问取得圆满成功。 最后请各位与我一同举杯,为了我们的友谊,为了各位的健康,干杯! * * Translation--- theory practice(II) The Introduction to the course How shall we have the course? workshops assignment from the teacher-- work in groups -- presentaion in class -- teachers comment Rule 1, Every task should be accomplished by a group as a team. Rule 2, The group should report the division of the task, contribution of each members. Rule 3, Each work is assessed on the basis of a teams work language, thought, and culture Which detemines which? language and thought In Chinese, there is only a single term luotuo, In English there is camel. But in Arabic, there are more than 400 words for the animal. The Eskimo language has a large number of words involving snow: apun= “snow on the ground”, qanikca= “hard snow on the ground”, utak= “block of snow”. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis E. Sapir and B. Le