
第七章 语言与文化.ppt

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第七章 语言与文化

* Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), line of conquest (Macedonia, Greece, Palestine, Syria, Iran, India, Egypt) 亚历山大大帝戎马一生,驰骋欧亚非大陆,实现线性的征服。 The First Qin Emperor (259-210 BC), circle of defense (the Great Wall, the Himalayas, the Ocean) 秦始皇下令修建长城,实现环性的防御。 * Chinese Mode Western Mode Holistic 整体性 Analytical 分析性 Intuitive 直觉性 Logical 逻辑性 Imaginal 形象性 Abstract 抽象性 Ethical 伦理型 Cognitive 认知型 Fuzzy 模糊性 Accurate 精确性 Intentional 意向性 Objective 对象性 Convergent 求同性 Divergent 求异性 Past-focused 后馈性 Future-focused 前瞻性 Inward 内向性 Outward 外向性 Inductive 归纳型 Deductive 演绎型 * The Advantages of Each Mode of Thinking The linear mode of thinking characterized by analytical reasoning and emphasis on clarity and precision is conducive to theoretical construction. The circular mode of thinking characterized by synthetic insight and stress on fuzziness and implicitness contributes to empirical revelation of truth. * 两种思维模式各有所长 线性思维模式长于分析推理,推崇清晰精确,有利于理论建构;环性思维模式强于综合顿悟,讲求模糊含蓄,有助于体察真谛。 * Conclusion 结论 Western mode of thinking is comparatively linear. Chinese mode of thinking is relatively circular. 西方思维模式 相对以线性为特征 中国思维模式 相对以环性为特征 * Afterthought Difference: a matter of degree 差异只是程度之差 Exceptions and counter-evidence 不乏例外和反证 Purpose: not to judge, but to promote understanding 比较的目的并非判定孰优孰劣,而是促进理解。 The moon of the west is not rounder and the sun of the east has its spots as well. 西方的月亮并不更圆,东方 的太阳也有黑子。 * 中西文化互相融合,取长补短 * 线与环的结合: 线以环的形式伸展 环以线的形式旋转 The integration of the line and the circle: The line extends in the form of a circle. The circle rotates in the form of a line. * Holistic 整体 Holistic thinking involves an orientation to the context or field as a whole, including attention to relationships between a focal object and the field, and a preference for explaining and predicting events on the basis of such relationships.


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