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第28卷 第4期 气 象 研 究 与 应 用 Vo1.28 No.4 2007年1 2月 JOURNAL OF METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH AND APPI ICATION Dec.2007 文章编号:1673—8411(2007)04-0014-04 南宁市云量变化特征及其与气 日 皿、 降水的关系分析 覃卫坚 ,黄大慰 ,廖雪萍 (1.广西区气候中心,广西 南宁 530022;2.广西气象大厦有限责任公司,广西 南宁 530022) 摘 要:利用广西南宁站1951~2005年的云量、气温和降水资料,分析了云量变化特征及其与气温、降水的关系, 结果表明:总云量和低云量长期变化分别呈减少和增加的趋势,且趋势显著。总云量和低云量季节变化都是在初春 或冬春交接季节达到最高值,秋季降到最低值,平均云量白天多于晚上。总云量与平均气温、最高气温有很显著的 反相关,与最低气温相关不显著;低云量与最高气温有很显著的反相关,与最低气温有显著的正相关,与平均气温 相关不显著。总云量与降水有显著的反相关关系,而低云量与降水相关不显著。 关键词:云量;气温;降水 中图分类号:P46 文献标识码:A Analysis of the Variation Characteristics of Cloudiness in Nanning and Relationship with Temperature and Precipitati0n QIN Wei—jian。HUANG Da—wei,LIU Xue—ping (1.Guangxi Climatic Center,Guangxi Nanning 530022; 2.Guangxi Meteorological Mansion Company,Guangxi Nanning 530022) Abstract:By using the surface observation data of cloudiness,temperature and precipitation in Nanning from 1 95 1 to 2005,the variation characteristics of cloudiness and the relationship with temperature and precipitation are analyzed.The results show that:the total cloudiness has a obviously decreasing tendency and the low cloudiness has a obviously increasing tendency on a long—term basis.The total cloudiness and the low cloudiness reach their highest value in the anaphase of winter or the early of spring and reach their lowest value in autumn.The mean cloudiness in the day is larger than that in the night.There is a obvious negative relation between the total cloudiness and the mean temperature or the highest temperature. But the relation between the total cloudiness and the lowest temperature is weak.There is a obvious negative relation between the low cloudiness and the highest temperature,and a significant positive rela


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