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第二单元 接待口译Greetings at_the airport
Greetings at the airport
A: 先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗?
Excuse me, sir; is this Prof. Tallack from London?
B: 是的,我是伦敦大学亚非学院的乔治 泰莱克。我要是没认错的话,您一定是戴小姐?
Yes, I’m George Tallack from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. You must be Miss Dai, if I’m not mistaken.
A: 是的,我叫戴嘉佳,海通集团人力资源部经理。泰莱克教授,我一直在此恭候您的到来。
Yes, I’m Dai Jiajia, manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group. I have been expecting you, Prof. Tallack.
B: 谢谢您来机场接我。这个机场太美了,绝对是顶尖的国际机场。
Thank you for coming to meet me at the airport. This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports.
A: 我很高兴在我的家乡接待您。人人都说这是个一流的现代化国际机场。欢迎,欢迎。我们非常高兴您能成行啊。非常感激您不辞辛劳,在百忙中抽空来我海指导。
I’m very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown. This is indeed a first-class international airport, as everybody says so. You’re welcome. We’re very happy that you made it in spite of the tiring trip. We’re very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice.
B: 我一直希望能真正了解赫赫有名的“海通集团”,你们也给了我近距离了解中国企业的机会,我感激不尽。
I’ve long been expecting to learn about the famous Haitong Group. I really appreciate this opportunity, which is also an opportunity for me to learn about Chinese enterprises at a close distance.
A: 一路可好?十几个小时的飞行很辛苦啊。
How was the trip? It must be very tiring, flying for more than 10 hours.
B: 还可以,但班机延误了,下了暴雨,我们只得在机场等了几个小时,天气转好后才起飞。但飞行途中的天气还不错,服务也很好。
Not too bad. But we were later than expected. Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm. We were held up for several hours at the airport, waiting for the storm to clear up. But we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service, of course.
A: 嗯,长途旅行之后您一定很累了,您还得倒时差呢。行李都齐了,我们直接回宾馆吧。
Well, you must be very tired after the long trip, and you have to get over the jet-lag. We have got all the luggage, haven’t we? Let’s drive directly to the hotel.
B: 是的,我是有点累了。我倒时差很慢,但两天后自然就恢复了。
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