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34 5 Vol.34 No. 5
2013 5 Journal on Communications May 2013
TP181 A 1000-436X(2013)05-0042-10
Semi-supervised Gaussian process classification
algorithm addressing the class imbalance
XIA Zhan-guo, XIA Shi-xiong, CAI Shi-yu, WAN Ling
(School of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China)
Abstract: The traditional supervised learning is difficult to deal with real-world datasets with less labeled information
when the training sets class is imbalanced. Therefore, a new semi-supervised Gaussian process classification of address-
ing was proposed. The semi-supervised Gaussian process was realized by calculating the posterior probability to obtain
more accurate and credible labeled data, and embarking from self-training semi-supervised methods to add class label
into the unlabeled data. The algorithm makes the distribution of training samples relatively balance, so the classifier can
adaptively optimized to obtain better effect of classification. According to the experimental results, when the circum-
stances of training set are class imbalance and much lack of label information, The algorithm improves the accuracy by
obtaining effective labeled in comparison with other related works and provides a new idea for addressing the class im-
balance is demonstrated.
Key words: class
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