
第五讲 American_modernism.ppt

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第五讲 American_modernism

Lecture 5 American Modernism (1914-1945) Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) Main contents I. American Modernism. II. Major literary achievements. III. F.Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby I. American Modernism 1. What is Modernism? a synonym of anything contemporary. It is a literary and cultural movement which flourished in the first decades of 20th century. Modernist literature is characterized chiefly by rejection of 19th century tradition and embracing the new economic, social, and scientific changes of aspects of modern world. 现代主义文学 现代主义文学是西方现代工业社会的产物,是动荡不安的20世纪欧美社会之时代精神的艺术表述。现代主义文学深受康德、尼采、弗洛伊德、荣格等人的哲学、心理学理论的影响。 现代主义在思想内容方面的最大特征四种异化(alienation):人与自然(包括大自然、人性和物质世界)人与社会、人与人、和人与自我4种关系上表现出来的尖锐矛盾和畸形脱节,以及由之产生的精神创伤和变态心理,悲观绝望的情绪和虚无主义的思想。 在艺术特征上: 现代主义强调表现内心的生活、心理的真实或现实;认为艺术是表现,是创造,不是再现,更不是模仿。现代主义提倡从人的心理感受出发,表现生活对人的压抑和扭曲。在现代主义文学作品中,人物往往是变形的,故事往往是荒诞的,主题往往是绝望的。 其次,现代主义普遍运用象征隐喻的神话模式。现代主义作家不注重对社会生活的表象作直观的再现,而往往用非纪实性、时空颠倒与变形、结构错乱等手段,构建一个象征性的神话式艺术世界,以揭示生活中更深刻、更广泛的意蕴。 现代主义作家通过对丑的蓄意描写及揭露,通过自我的剖析,表达对美的追求 Modernism includes: Impressionism Symbolism Imagism Post-Impressionism Futurism Expressionism Constructivism Surrealism. 2. The differences between realism and modernism 3. Background of the American Modernism Influence of the First World War Economically: American’s participation of World War I caused its economic boom and material prosperity . Socially, social chaos, disordered and turbulent, unease and restlessness underneath . Spiritually and morally, hedonism(享乐主义) spiritual waste and moral decay. ---Cultural background: 1. At the end of 19th century: Darwin’s theory evolution shook People’s religious belief. 2. By the end of the first decade of the 20th century: Nietzsche尼采 (1844-1900) declared the death of God: all forces seemed to pulling apart. God was expelled from the universe. People were living in a spiritual wasteland----a


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