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年第 期(总第 期)· ) 94 酿酒科技 2010 12 198 LIQUOR-MAKING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2010 No.12(Tol.198 国酒茅台与世博会 胡云燕 (贵州酒文化博物馆,贵州 遵义 563000 ) 摘 要: 世博会已成为记载人类文明进步足迹的百科全书,是展示人类特色文明成果的舞台,众多的传统文化成 果通过世博会走向世界。国酒茅台也是从1915 年的巴拿马万国博览会上走出山野,走向世界,跻身世界三大蒸馏白 酒之列。茅台酒与世博会有不解之缘,作为中国民族工业优秀代表,积极地为上海世博会的申办到成功奉献自己的 微薄之力,成为世博会高级赞助商。为了将茅台酒深厚的酒文化成果让世界分享,公司精心酿制了和平使者、醉美中 华、盛世中国、世博喜酒4 套系列纪念酒,展示了中国丰富的民族文化和酒文化。 关键词: 酒文化; 世博会; 国酒茅台;民族文化 : ; : : ( ) 中图分类号 TS262.33 TS971 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1001-9286 2010 12-0094-02 State Liquor-Maotai World Exposition HU Yun-yan (Guizhou Liquor Culture Museum, Zunyi, Guizhou 563000, China) Abstract: World Exposition has become the encyclopaedia recording human civilization progress and the stage exhibiting human civilization achievements. Many traditional cultural achievements are known worldwide through world exposition such as Maotai. Maotai was known worldwide in 1915 Panama World Expo and became one of the three most famous distilling liquor products. Maotai Distillery, as the excellent representative of Chinese national industry, has made efforts for Shanghai Expo. and become senior sponsor due to the interwined destinies between Maotai and world exposition. In order to share the profound cultural achievements of Maotai with the world, the Distillery has carefully prepared four commemorative liquor series including Peace Envoy, Beautiful China, Flourishing Age, and Celebrating Expo., which could display Chinese national culture and liquor culture. (Tran. by YUE Yang) Key words: wine cultu


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