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第 十 讲 旅游文本翻译 Translation of Tourist Text 一、旅游文本的特点 (一)语言文字优美 (二)文化内涵丰富 (三)历史典故多 (四)信息性、趣味性、启发性 和呼唤性 九华山,又名九子山,由九十九座山峰及众多的溪流、瀑布、幽洞、奇松、怪石构成,重峦叠嶂,山奇水秀。古十景有五溪山色、天台晓日、化城晚钟、东岩宴坐、天柱仙踪、莲峰云海、舒潭印月、碧桃瀑布、九子泉声、平岗积雪;新十景有甘露灵秀、龙池飞瀑、祗园晨曦、神光异彩、摩空圣迹、闵园竹海、凤凰古松、观音慈航、大鹏听经、花台秀色。 二、旅游文本翻译探讨 目的论---变译 例1. 阿霸州风光秀丽,山河壮美,座座雪 峰耸入云霄,原始森林遮天盖地,莽莽草原 花 团锦簇,叠溪遗迹神秘奥妙,瀑布溪流 蜿蜒跌宕,高山湖泊灿若明珠,藏羌村寨别 具一格,肥沃河谷瓜果飘香。 译文: The beautiful landscapes of Aba Prefecture feature towering snow- clad mountains , criss-crossing rivers,and boundless forests and grass land. On this fertile land are peculiar geological ruins,fantastic streams and waterfalls , alpine lakes, and Tibetan and Qiang villages. 例2. 寺前冷泉、飞来峰诸胜,据说 苏东坡守杭时,常携诗友僚属来 此地游览,并在冷泉上“书扇判 案”。 译文:It is said that the Northern Song Dynasty Su Dongpo,when he served as governor of Hangzhou, used to go to the temple with his friends and subordinates for a visit. And he is said to have handled a court case in the Cold Spring for the owner of a fan shop, for Su was a famous painter, calligrapher as well as poet. 例3. 在四川西部有一美妙去处,它 背依岷山,主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠, 花香袭人,鸟语婉转, 流水潺潺。它 就是松潘县的黄龙。 译文:One of Sichuan’s scenic spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon),which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao,the peak of the Minshan Mountain. Its lush green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams and chirping birds, are rich in historical interests as well as natural beauty. 例4. 人们把四川境内的贡嘎山和四 姑娘山分别称为蜀山之王和蜀山之 后。许多人来到四姑娘山一睹芳容 后, 惊叹不已: 太美了, 太美了! 简直 像仙境一样! 译文:Chinese people named Mount Gongga as the “king of Sichuan Mountains” while Siguniang Mountain as the “queen of Sichuan Mountains”. After enjoying the beauty of Siguniang (four girls) Mountain, plenty of foreign friends marveled at its beauty: “ It is Alps of Orient!! ” 例5:鲁迅纪念馆对外开放场所 包括:鲁迅故居、百草园、三味 书屋、鲁迅祖居和鲁迅生平事迹 陈列厅。 译文:Open to visitors are the Lu Xun’s Former Residence ( including


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