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27 5 Vol. 2 7, N o. 5 2 0 0 9 5 H ebei Law S cien ce M ay , 2 0 0 9 以其他学科与法学的交融为视角 张 伟 ( , 710063) : ,, ∀ #∀ # ∀ #∀ #, , , , ∀ #, , , , , , : ; ; ; ; ; : DF551 : A : 2009) L egal Ph ilosophy Thoughts onM arriage and Fam ily H arm ony From the perspective of the m i gle of other discipli es a d law ZHANG W ei ( Civil a d Comm ercialLaw School, N orthw estU iversity of P ilitics a d Law, Xi∃ a 710063 Chi a) A b s tra ct: The pursuit ofharm o y, the eter al them e of huma society, is a a cie t a d basic co cept of traditio alChi ese culture, a d its core value refers to the ideas of∀ harm o y isw ealth#, ∀ harmo ious coex iste ce#a d ∀ diverge t but harm o iou s#. The mi porta t part a d base of the buildi g of harmo ious society of Chi a is to set up harm o iousm arriage a d fam ily. W e are ow i the stage of ew, rapid social tra sitio a d thu s i the field ofm arriage a d fam ily there occurm a y ew problem s a d co tradictio s which have seriously affected the harmo y a d stability of society. A d them a i reaso s ac cou table for it are the deco structio a d reco structio of fam ilial ethics, i div idual perso ality, the rtaditio al fam ily, decade ce of traditio al fam ilialmora lity a d the destructio of i terge eratio a l relatio s, the i vasio of eco om ic ra tio ality to the co


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