第十一章 TBBT笔记.doc

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TBBT笔记(B版)102 Big Bran假说 ? s01e02 The Big Bran Hypothesis ? 1.普通级词汇 dolly:n. 小轮搬运车,手推车 fulcrum:n.(杠杆的)支点,支轴 vortex:n. 漩涡,旋风 entropy:n. 熵 transvestite:n. 易装癖者 immaculate:adj. 无缺点的,无瑕疵的 evening gown:n. (通常带有拖地长裙的)女夜礼服 insomnia:n.失眠 unorthodox:adj. 非传统的,异端的 sinus:n. 鼻窦 sleep apnea:睡眠时呼吸暂停 otolaryngologist:n. 耳鼻喉科医师 proctologist:n. 直肠科医师 pelvis:n. 骨盘 Intoxicating:adj. 醉人的,使人兴奋的 dowels:n.木钉,暗销 infrared repeater:n. 红外线中继器 photocell:n. 光电池 aquarium pump:n. 潜水泵 drip tray:n. 除霜水盘 sluice:n. 水闸 overflow reservoir:n. 蓄水池,储液器 heat sink:n. 散热片 junkyard:n. 废品旧货栈 oxyacetylene torch:n. 氧乙炔炬 ? 2.爆炸级词汇 Lois Lane:超人前女友 Green Lantern:绿灯侠 Mandelbrot set of complex numbers:芒德勃罗(Beno?t Mandelbrot,1924-),波兰几何学家,分形理论创始人。Mandelbrot集又被称为“数学恐龙”,对每一个C,让z0=0代入迭代式:f(z) = z*z + C,经足够多次迭代后函数值不扩散,这样的C所组成的集合为M集。M集被认为是数学上最为复杂、最美丽的集合之一。 Oppenheimer:奥本海默,1945年带领“曼哈顿计划”洛斯·阿拉莫斯实验室全体科学家成功研制出世界上第一枚原子弹 ? 3.爆炸级食品 pad thai:泰式炒面 Vienna sausages:维也纳香肠 Honey Puffs:一种低纤维麦片 Big Bran:一种含有糠麸的高纤维麦片 ? 4.精选语录 Raj: Are there any chopsticks? Sheldon: You dont need chopsticks. This is Thai food. Leonard: Here we go. Sheldon: Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th century. Interestingly they dont put the fork in their mouth, they use it toput the food on a spoon, which then goes into their mouth. Leonard: Ask him for a napkin, I dare you. 听谢博士讲泰国餐具 ? Leonard: Penny, wait. Penny: Yeah? Leonard: Um... If you dont have any other plans, do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon? Penny: A marathon? Wow, how many Superman movies are there? Sheldon: Youre kidding, right? Penny: Yeah, I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her. Which one was that? All guys: One. 我只看过超人一 ? Sheldon: You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy. Penny: Yes, I know, men cant fly. Sheldon: No, no. Lets assume that they can. Hmm. Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial rate of 32 feet per second per second. Superman swoops down


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