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2015年第2期 / 西部人居环境学刊 / 001
DOI: 10.13791/ki.hsfwest
张昕欣, 李京生. 大数据思维的乡村规划数据价值挖掘与应用研究 以环梵净山地区乡村为例[J]. 西部人居环境学刊, 2015, 30(02): 1-6.
Research on Exploration and Application of Rural Planning Data Value in Big Data Thoughts
—Taking Villages Around Fanj ing Mountainous Areas as Examples
张昕欣 李京生 ZHANG Xinxin, LI Jingsheng
摘 要 大数据思维具有利于进行目标决 Abstract: Big data thoughts are benefi cial to guide the decision-making, explore the value of
策、挖掘数据价值的优势与以高效利用为导 data and orient to efficient utilization, and the complexity of rural planning has the obvious
向的特点,而乡村规划的复杂性使其具有明 characteristics of big data. Therefore, the utilization of big data thoughts for screening the
显的大数据特征。因此,利用大数据思维对 massive amounts of rural planning data is of great signifi cance for the effi cient application of
乡村规划的海量数据进行快速筛选,对于数 data value. The research applies big data thoughts into rural planning to solve the numerous
据价值的高效应用有着重要的借鉴意义。研 data, demand diversifi cations of related interest groups, overall planning diffi culties and other
究将大数据思维引入乡村规划,用以解决乡 problems confronted by the rural planning work. This article also discusses the rural planning
村规划工作面临的数据庞杂、相关利益群体 principles and methods in the big data thoughts, and explores in the practical work of rural
需求多样化和区域统筹困难等问题。探讨了 planning around the Fanjing mountainous region through the location and subdivision analysis of
大数据思维下乡村规划的原则与方法,并在 value data extracted from the collection of essential data, hoping to make the exploration of data
环梵净山地区的乡村规划实践工作中进行摸 value helpful for the decision-making of planning.
索,从基础数据的采集、提取到价值数据的 Keywords: Big Data Thoughts; Rural Pl