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幼儿园聘外教邀请函 篇一:给外教的邀请函 An Invitation for an English Speaking Contest Dear XXX, A University-Level English Speaking Contest organized by Students’ Union of the School of Foreign Languages is going to be held in the Lecture Hall of the School of Architecture on November 3. We are writing to invite you to be a judge at our English Speaking Contest. The contest will start at 6: 30 p.m. Ten students will deliver their speeches to go for the final with a given theme “You Smile, the Wo(来自:WWw.cssyq.Com 书业网:幼儿园聘外教邀请函)rld Smiles.” It would be a great pleasure that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. We are looking for your reply. Yours faithfully and best wishes, Students’ Union of the School of Foreign Languages 篇二:给外教的邀请函 An Invitation for an English Speaking Contest Dear XXX, A University-Level English Speaking Contest organized by Students’ Union of the School of Foreign Languages is going to be held in the Lecture Hall of the School of Architecture on November 3. We are writing to invite you to be a judge at our English Speaking Contest. The contest will start at 6: 30 p.m. Ten students will deliver their speeches to go for the final with a given theme “You Smile, the World Smiles.” It would be a great pleasure that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. We are looking for your reply. Yours faithfully and best wishes, Students’ Union of the School of Foreign Languages 篇三:外教聘请流程及注意事项 一、申请条件 凡拟聘请外国专家的单位,均须获得“聘请外国专家单位资格认可”,并取得《聘请外国专家单位资格认可证书》。该证书是办理外国专家来华工作许可、邀请函电、外国专家证及在华居留手续的基本证明。 申请“聘请外国专家单位资格认可” 的单位,需具备如下条件,例如:易语外教 (一)具有独立法人资格; (二)经过行业资质认可; (三)设有外国专家管理和服务工作的专门机构,配备具有良好业务素质的工作人员; (四)外国专家管理制度和外事工作人员制度健全; (五)具有聘请外国专家所需的工作条件、生活设施和安全保卫能力; (六)具有聘请外国专家所需的经费保障。 注:新开办的学校及其他教育、培训机构,应运行一年以上,在教师、生源和教学秩序基本稳定后,方可申办资格认可手续。但正式设立的中外合作办学单位和专门招收外籍人员子女的学校,不受此限。 区县教委管辖的中等以下教育机构(中小学、幼儿园、培训机构等)向所在区县人力社保局申请(各区县人力社保局联系方式),其他单位向北京市外专局提出申请。 二、申报材料(一式五份) (一)申请报告(包括单位介绍、申请理由等内容); (二)法人资格证书; (三)行业许可证书或证件:学校和其他教育、培训机构,提交教育、劳动或工商行政


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