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GPS 定位与授时的新算法 汤克云1,2 1 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京,100029 2 清华大学天体物理中心,北京,100084 摘要 对全球定位系统 (GPS),本文提出一种新的计算方法。当地面目标先后接收 到来自于4 颗卫星 (位置已知)的信号,只要知道接收到4 个信号的时间差,即 可通过求解4 元差分方程组, 获知地面目标位置的3 分量和信号传播的平均速 度。 进一步,可由卫星至目标之距离和信号平均速度求出地面目标钟的准确时 间。 此方法也可用于由4 个地面标准站对空间卫星的准确定位和授时。本算法 与传统算法的主要区别是,通过求解4 元差分方程组获得GPS 信号穿越大气层、 电离层和引力场的真实平均速度。 关键词:全球定位系统,差分方程组,电离层,平均速度 A New Algorithm for GPS Positioning and Timing TANG,Keyun1,2 1 (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,100029,China) 2 (The Center for Astrophysics, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084,China) Abstract This paper has proposed a new algorithm for GPS positioning and timing. When ground target has received satellite signals from four satellites, as long as we know the time lags, we can obtain the positions of ground target and the average speed of signal, by solving the difference equations. Further, we can obtain the distance between the satellite to the target and the precise time for the clock of ground target. This method can also be used for satellite’s precise positioning and timing according to the precise coordinates of four ground standard stations. The main difference between this algorithm and traditional algorithm is that to find the true average velocity of the satellite’s signals through the atmosphere, the ionosphere and the gravitational field, by solving difference equations. Keywords: global positioning system, differential equations, the ionosphere, the average velocity 1. 现行GPS 系统定位授时的经典算法 GPS 系统选择国际地球坐标系—协调世界时系统为常用的时空系统。现行 GPS 系统注意到:在卫星上的原子钟与地面的原子钟之间,存在由引力红移效应 和运动效应引起的时差,为消除这一误差,对入星原子钟作了每日45 微秒的引 力红移修正与7 微秒的运动修正。许多学者已正确地指出:当用多颗卫星的信号 确定地面某一目标的位置时,无须考虑引力红移修正与运动修正,因为多颗卫星 的差分方程可以消除这两种系统误差。先考虑两颗卫星S (x ,y ,z)和


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