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A6V80HA22FZ2斜轴式轴向柱塞变量马达的设计 兰州理工大学 热能与动力工程(液压方向) 杨自升 摘要 近年来,液压传动的应用迅猛拓展,在国外工业发达的国家液压工业发展速度要高于机械工业的增长,然而因为没有掌握核心技术的知识产权,国内液压工业表面火爆场面的背后确实存在很大的不足。基于此,一些国内的企业和研究机构积极开展液压技术(主要是泵、马达等主要液压元件)的研究工作,并取得了一系列的成果。 本次设计的斜轴式轴向柱塞马达的额定压力为31.5MPa,排量为80ml/r,公称转速为2750r/min。本文描述了斜轴式轴向柱塞变量马达的工作原理,并对其进行了运动学分析,并且还着重对柱塞马达的连杆-柱塞、缸体、配流盘和主轴进行了设计和校核。此次设计的柱塞马达为了降低流量脉动采用了七个柱塞,配流盘的设计采用了球面配流方式,具有良好的自定位和自保持性,转速稳、噪声低,卸荷槽的设计也在一定程度上减小了液压冲击。 本设计对斜轴式柱塞马达进行了分析和设计,主要分析了轴向柱塞马达的结构,包括连杆-柱塞的结构形式,配流盘的结构形式和变量机构的结构形式。此外,本文还对轴向柱塞马达关键零部件进行了受力分析和校核,并用SolidWorks软件绘制出了A6V斜轴式柱塞马达的三维零件图和装配图。 关键词:斜轴式柱塞马达;大排量;配流盘; 变量机构 Abstract In recent years, the application of hydraulic is expanding rapidly. In the industrial developed foreign countries, the growth pace of industrial development of hydraulic is higher than that of the machinery industry. But without mastering the advanced intellectual property rights of advanced technology, it is actually a great deficiency behind the domestic hot hydraulic industrial surface. Based on this, a number of domestic enterprises and research institutions carry out the research on pump and motor, and made a series of results. The design of the Bent Axis Piston Motor抯 irated pressure is 31.5MPa, the displacement is 80ml/ r ,the rotate speed is 2750r/min. This article describes the Bent Axis Piston Motor, the working principle of the piston pump kinematics analysis and force. Focusing on piston pump plunger, cylinder, valve plate and shaft design and check .The piston motor design in order to reduce flow pulsation with a seven plunger valve plate design with a spherical surface with flow mode, with good self-positioning and self-preservation, steady speed, low noise, the design of the plastic bag hydraulic impact is reduced to a certain extent. The design of the Bent axis piston motor for the analysis and design, the main structure of the axial piston motor, including the plunger, the structure, the structural type of valve plate for analysis and design. This article also carrie


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