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长春天缘集团加工间建筑结构设计 摘 要 本随着我国工业的快速发展和钢结构技术的进步与更新,门式钢架结构逐步取代了传统的钢筋混凝土排架结构或砖排架结构,尤其是大型工业厂房的结构设计。本设计是单层单跨门式刚架结构,门式刚架是典型的轻型钢结构,它具有造价低、重量轻、安装方便、施工周期短等优点。设计内容主要包括建筑设计和结构设计两个部分,其中,建筑设计包括厂房平面、立面、剖面设计,结构设计包括构件选型、檩条设计、墙梁设计、刚架设计、构件验算、节点设计、抗风柱设计、基础设计。刚架内力计算后,根据情况进行组合,并用PKPM软件进行了校核。本设计通过正确的设计思路和严谨的设计方法,达到了结构的安全性、适用性、耐久性要求。通过对门式刚架的探讨,并总结几点应注意的问题。 关键词:门式刚架、建筑设计、结构设计、内力计算与组合、PKPM The architectural and structural design of processing workshop in Changchun Tianyuan Group ABSTRACT With China’s rapid industrial development and technological progress and update steel,portal frame structure gradually replaced the traditional structure of reinforced concrete or brick bent bent structure, especially in the structural design of large industrial plants. This design is a monolayer and single span portal frame structure. The typical portal frame light steel structure, it has a low cost, light weight, easy installation, short construction period. The design content mainly includes the architectural design and structural design of two parts, among them, the architectural design including building plane design, elevation design and section design, structural design including component selection, purlin design, wall beams design, frame design, component calculation and node design, wind column design, foundation design, etc. Internal force is calculated and combined according to the situation, with the results were checked by PKPM software. Through correct design thinking and rigorous method, this design finally meets the requirements of the safety, applicability and durability of the structure. This article, discussion, and summarize a few points should be noted that the problem through the door frame. Key words:portal frame structure; architectural design; structural design; internal force calculation and combination; PKPM 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 门式刚架特点 1 1.2 国内外轻型门式刚架结构研究现状 2 1.3 本文所做工作 3 2 设计资料 5 2.1 工程概况 5 2.2设计原始资料 5 3 建筑设计 6 3.1 建筑平面设计 6 3.1


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