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数字媒体技术专业主干课程简介 ( Brief Introduction to the Main Courses of Digital Media Technology ) Contents College English 2 Linear?Algebra 2 Advanced Mathematics 3 Graphic Design 3 Music Appreciation 4 Mao Zedong Thoughts and the Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory System Introduction 4 Program Design Fundamental 5 Military Theory 5 Basic Principle of Marxism 5 Moral Education and Law Basis 6 Algorithms and Data Structures 6 Object-oriented Technology 7 Computer Graphics 7 Database System 8 Virtual Reality System 8 2D Animation Design 9 Digital Editing Technology 9 3D Animation 10 Aesthetics of Design 10 The Technology of Digital Compositing for Film TV 10 Introduction to Digital Media Technology 11 Digitalized Color 11 Digital Image Processing 11 Web Program Design 12 Computer Network 12 Game Design and Production 12 Design and Implement of Web 13 Media Resource Management Technology 13 Discrete Mathematics 14 Computer Operating System 14 Sketch 15 Aerobics 15 课 程 名 称 大学英语 学 分(Credits) 4 Course Name College English 学时(Hours) 48 课程简介: 大学英语课程分为综合课和视听说两种课型。综合课使用大学英语综合教程,听说课使用新视野大学英语视听说课本。每周两节综合课,两节视听说课程。在两年的学习中,普通班学生应完成四级的学习并通过大学英语四级考试;快班和实验班学生应完成大学英语六级内容并通过大学英语六级考试。 Course Description: College English is divided into integrated course and Viewing, Listening Speaking, with four periods of class each week. It includes listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. Within two years of college English study, students should be able to pass CET 4 and students in Advanced Class should pass CET 6. 课 程 名 称 线性代数 学 分(Credits) 2 Course Name Linear?Algebra?? 学时(Hours) 32 课程简介: 线性代数是一门重要的基础理论课程,通过本课程的学习,使学生获得应用科学中常用的矩阵方法、线性方程组、二次型理论及有关的基础知识,并且有熟练的矩阵运算能力和矩阵方法解决一些实际问题的能力,从而为提高学生的数学素质。? Course Description: Linear algebra is an important foundation for the theory courses, through this course of study, students can commonly used in applied science matrix method, linear equations, quadratic form theory and the basic knowledge and skilled operation of matrix capacity


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