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第 2卷 第 2期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 V ol. 2 No. 2 2002年 6月 Journal of T raffic and T rans portation Engineering June 2002 : 167 1-1637( 2002 02-0 102-04 戴 禾,杨东援,李群峰 ( ,  200092  : 提出了一种确定物流基 设施布局的方法及将物流园区与货运通道网结合起来进行统 一 规划的观点,强调物流基 设施布局不仅要求总运输费用最小,还应考虑经济、社会、环境等多个层 面的因素。 确定物流基 设施布局的主要内容包括: 确定物流园区的数量、提出物流园区与货运通 道布局的各种备选方案、物流园区可达性分析、货运通道网连通性分析、采用数据包络分析法选择 可行方案范围、用层次分析法确定最优方案。 : 物流; 基 设施; 数据包络分析;层次分析法 : U 11   : A Layout model of logistics infrastructure DAI He, YAN G Dong -yuan , LI Qun-f eng ( Depa rtment o f Road and T ra ffic Engineering , To ngji U niv e rsity , Shanghai 200092 , China Abstract: How to plan the logi stics i nf rast ruct ure layo ut i s present ed. It is em phasized that the lo gistics pa rks a nd the f reight tho roug hfa res should be int eg rated i n pla nni ng a nd that no t o nly eco no mi c fact ors , but also social f acto rs and env iro nmental f act ors should be considered. The m ai n cont ent s of the logistics i nf rastructure pla nni ng include determini ng the number o f logi stics parks, put ting f orw ard the ca ndidate plans of logi stics parks and f reigh t thoro ughf ares lay out, analy zing the accessi bility of lo gistics parks , analyzing the co nnectio n at t ribute of f reig ht thoro ughf ares, selecti ng the f easible co llectio ns of plans by u sing DEA , and selecting the o pti mized plan by usi ng A HP. 1 tab , 9 figs , 8 refs. Key words: logistics; i nf rastructure; DEA; A HP : ( 1975- , , , Author resume DA I He ma le a do cto ral st udent of To ngji Univ ersit y engag ed in research of traf fic and t ra nspor tati on sy stem planning.   



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