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( ) 27 5 2005 9 JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONAL ITIES VOL . 27 NO. 5 SEP . 2005 ( Philo sop hy and Social Science Edition) [ ] C . Fred Blake ,/ ( ) [] [ ] , : , [ ] ;; [ ] C9 12164 [] A [] 1002 - 3887 (2005) 05 - 0043 - 07 The Semiotics of Pa per Money BL A KE ,C . FR ED ( Uni v ers i t y of H aw a i i , U . S . A ) Abstract :Pap er mo ney i s o ne of t he five rit e s in a t hree2p ha se sequential sy st em of t ran smut atio n [ candle , (incen se , foo d , p ap er mo ney) , firecracker ] . The semiotic f unctio n of p ap er mo ney i s di sclo sed by t he way it help s to st r uct ure t he memorial ser vice in it s holi stic a sp ect and accor ding to t wo int erp retive scheme s : o ne i s t he native Chine se sy st em of Yin Yang Wu Xing , and t he ot her i s t he ant hropolo gical co ncep t s of rit ual p roce ss . Key Words : p ap er mo ney ; memo rial rit ual ; semiotic s : ( ) ,, Seaman ,1982 ; ( ) ( ) ( Gate s ,1987 , 1996 ; Shang , 266 T sien


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