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1999, 22 ( 3) : 7779 J our nal of N anj i ng A gr icul tural Univ ers ity * 张汤杰 何孔泉 陈伟华 陈 杰* * ( , 2 10095) ( EB) 21 d 43, 43, 1EB ( E ) ( GnRH) ( LH) 2 ( P ) , GnRH , , LH , , 4 P ; 4 ; ; ; ; ; ; 828. 1 S Variations of reproductive hormone levels after estradiol benzoate treatment on lactating Erhualian and Large White sows * * Zhang T angji , H Kongquan, Ch n W ihua and Ch n Ji ( K y Lab of Animal Physiology and Bioch mistry , M inistry of Agricultur , Nanjing Agric U niv , Nanjing 210095) 3 ( ) 21 ABSTRACT Four Erhualian sow s and Larg Whit sows w r inj ct d w ith stradiol b nzoat EB on th st day aft r th on s t of lactation. 3 of 4 Erhualian sow s and 1 of 3 Larg Whit sow s xhibit d strus. Th plasma l v ls of stradiol ( E ) GnRHLH and prog st ron ( P ) w r m asur d aft r EB tr atm nt in both br ds of sow s. R sults show d that 2 4 xog nous st radiol incr as d plasma l v l of GnRH, w hich stimulat d LH s cr tion, as a r sults, t h l v ls of E , P ros 2 4 aft r th tr atm nt in strous sows. No chang s in plasm a hormon l v ls w r found in un st rous sows. Th s nsitivity of hypophy sis in lactating Erhualian sow t o GnRH is gr at r t han t hat of Larg Whit sow . ; ; ; ; ; ; ey words Erhualian sow stradiol b nzoat lactat ing stag E2 GnRH LH P4 , , , ; , , 46, ( EB) , 1 材料和方法 1. 1 4



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