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加拿大CAEL考试简介考试整体介绍凯尔(CAEL)考试是加拿大的学业英语评定标准。它是为服务于学业交流而设计的一种标准英语水平测试。它设计用于描述准备在英文教学的学院和大学学习的考生的英文水平。加拿大的学院和大学用凯尔考试进行英语应用能力的评定。它让学生经历在加拿大学院和大学的教室中学习的情景。凯尔考试是一种独特的有别于其他标准化语言评定的考试,它是基于单一主题的语言应用能力测试。它包括一套完整的语言活动。考生阅读文章,听演讲,回答问题和写作短文--全部基于同一个主题。凯尔考试中的语言任务和活动是系统性地抽样于学术界的语言任务和活动。凯尔考试的内容来自于大学的入门课程,就像教授向学生介绍新主题时一样,学生也许知道一点点该主题内容或完全不知道该主题内容。点击此处可浏览凯尔考试的一些主题。凯尔考试可在世界上很多地方进行。凯尔考试成绩被广为接受。 跟随此链接有详细的加拿大学院和大学的列表和与其对应的凯尔分数的要求。凯尔考试费$235.00加拿大元。凯尔考试的详情请联系凯尔考试办公室。The Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL) is a standardized test of English in use for academic purposes. It is designed to describe the level of English language of test takers planning to study in English-medium colleges and universities.The CAEL Assessment tests ability to use English as it is used in Canadian universities and colleges. It allows test takers to experience what it is like to participate in a Canadian post secondary classroom. The CAEL Assessment offers a unique alternative to other standardized tests of English because it is a topic-based performance test. It comprises an integrated set of language activities. Test takers read articles, listen to a lecture, answer questions and write a short essay – all on one subject. The language tasks and activities in the CAEL Assessment are systematically sampled from those which are commonly undertaken within the academic community. The content for the tasks on the CAEL Assessment is drawn from introductory university courses, at times when professors are introducing new topics to their students, with the expectation that the students know little or nothing about the content. Click here to view sample CAEL test topics. The CAEL Assessment is available in a number of locations around the world. CAEL Assessment results are widely accepted.Follow this link for a detailed list of Canadian institutions and their required scores - universities and colleges. The fee for taking the CAEL Assessment in Canada is $185.00 CAD. For more information about the CAEL Assess


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