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26 5 2005 9 E lectronics Process Technology 249 # # 1 2 1 计红军, 李明雨 , 王春青 ( 1. 哈尔滨工业大学现代焊接生产技术国家重点实验室, 龙江 哈尔滨 150001; 2. 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院, 广东 深圳 518055) : 采用超声键合的方法, 研究了键合点的形成原因, 通过 SEM 及 EDX 分析发现超声键 合过程中存在扩散现象对键合点进行了老化试验, 考察了键合点上 25 Lm 直径的质量分数为A l + 1% Si引线的组织演变情况, 在 170 e 下, 随着老化时间的延长, 键合点上引线内部形成了大量的 微裂纹和孔洞, 连接成线, 与超声振动方向平行, 分析了产生原因以及对键合点可靠性的影响 : 扩散; 超声键合; 可靠性 : TG40 : A : 1001- 3474( 2005) 05- 0249- 05 Study on the Configuration and the Interfacial M etallurgic Characteristics ofUltrasonicW ire Bonds 1 2 JIHong- jun , LIM ing- yu , WANG Chun- ing1 ( 1. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; 2. Harbin Institute ofTechnology Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China) Abstract: A t room tem erature, the A l+ 1% Siw ire of 25 Lm d iameterw as bonded to the Au/N i/ Cu ad successfu lly by u ltrasonic bond ingmethod. W e investigated the interfacialm etallurgical character- istics bewt een the w ire and ad by Scann ing Electron M icrosco y ( SEM) and Energy D is ersiveX - ray S ectrom eter ( EDX). It is found that there is visible interd iffusion betw een elementA l in the w ire and element N i in the ad. It is robably that both lastic flow under the ressure of thew edge and w ire so-f tening by the u ltrason ic vibration enhance the diffusion. A fter aged at 170 e , there are many vacancies and m icro- cracks in the bond w ire. The reason and their effects on reliab ility are concerned. key words: D iffusion; U ltra


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