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突变的基本类型 Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Insertion/deletion (s) (Indel) Structural variation, Copy number variation Q:丰富的遗传变异从何而来? (变异的来源并非十分清楚) Result and discussion 结果3:Indel大小影响SNP累积 结果: 1. 与Indel越近,SNP越高; 2. Indel越密集,SNP越高; 3. Indel越大,SNP越高. What did we observe? The distance to indel, indel density indel size affect nucleotide divergence (D) Indel was the center of the distribution of mutation-rate Each indel independently affected the surrounding areas. Cause of the mutation-rate change? potential factors Selection Regional-difference of DNA 突变热点区域内SNP与Indel各自发生,即Indel并不影响其周围SNP的积累 Our hypotheses Indel induced mutation indel的存在会通过某种机制影响周围SNP的积累 1. selection? (1) Coding(a) and non-coding(b) regions Coding(a) and non-coding(b) regions (2) Intron regions of chr1 (Human vs. Chimp) 2. Regional-difference of DNA 1) Is Indel a MARKER of mutation hotspots? 2) The effect of paralogous sequences and transposons 3) The effect of recombination 1) Is indel a MARKER of a mutable segment or a CAUSE of mutation? Indel is a MARKER of mutation hotspots Regional-difference Indel is a CAUSE of mutation Indel induced mutation There is a simple 3-species test which can discriminate between MARKER vs. CAUSE Polarize indels The gaps in two-sequence alignments Polarize indels The gaps in two-sequence alignments Polarize base substitutions The substitutions in two-sequence alignments Polarize base substitutions The substitutions in two-sequence alignments 3-species test Results of 3-species test Paralogous sequences and transposons Estimating the relative increase 计算突变效应: indel对周围序列有5倍的诱变作用 The effect of recombination Possible molecular mechanism The intrinsic factor of genomic mutation 外因:radiation, chemical, UV 内因:indel Conclusion 以indel为中心的突变率的分布 在杂合体中indel对于其周围序列有诱变作用,突变率大约会升高5倍 Indel诱变是一种普遍的突变机制,并且在创造遗传差异中起着重要作用 实例研究1 总结:Indel存在特殊遗传行为 ——非对称特性: 突变效应、重组效应、隔离效应 结束语 1. 生物信息从有序向无序变化的能力超乎想象 (Indel诱发更多的变异) 2. 生物信息从无序向有序变化的能力也超乎想象 (密码子有序排列提高蛋白合成效率) 研究人员 D.Tian


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