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非同步播放 在此例中,我們會聽到類似男女兩部合唱,一快一慢,這是因為 sound 指令的預設播放方式就是「非同步」。 範例20-13: playSync02.m load handel.mat sound(y, Fs); sound(y, 1.2*Fs); Playback Modes There are two playback modes Synchronous mode: Block everything till the end of playback. Asychronous mode: Nonblocking playSync01.m playSync02.m [y, fs]=audioread(welcome.wav); p=audioplayer(y, fs); playblocking(p); % Synchronous sound(y, 0.8*fs); % Asynchronous sound(y, 0.6*fs); % Asynchronous load handel.mat sound(y, Fs); sound(y, 1.2*Fs); 音量自動調整 另一個類似的指令是 soundsc,可針對音訊變數的數值先進行正規化(介於 –1 和 1 中間)後,再送到喇叭播放,以達到最好的播放效果。 soundsc01.m [y, fs]=audioread(welcome.wav); sound(y, fs); fprintf(Press any key to continue...\n); pause soundsc(y, fs); 在影像顯示方面,對應的命令是 imagesc。 Automatic Volume Adjustment “soundsc” adjusts the volume (by normalizing the signals to have max of 1 or min of -1) before playback soundsc01.m [y, fs]=audioread(welcome.wav); sound(y, fs); fprintf(Press any key to continue...\n); pause soundsc(y, fs); The corresponding command for image display is “imagesc”. 聲音訊號的錄製 我們在第一節已經說明了如何讀取音訊檔案,並在第二節說明如何播放。MATLAB 也支援直接由麥克風讀取訊號,因此可以直接進行聲音的錄製,所使用的指令是 audiorecorder recordblocking Recording of Audio Signals We can use the following MATLAB commands for recording from the microphone directly: audiorecorder recordblocking 音訊的錄製範例 (1/2) 使用預設參數,由麥克風進行3秒錄音: audioRecord01.m 預設錄音參數 取樣頻率為 8000 Hz 取樣點解析度為 8 bits 單聲道錄音 duration=3; % 錄音時間 recObj=audiorecorder; fprintf(按任意鍵後開始 %g 秒錄音:, duration); pause fprintf(錄音中...); recordblocking(recObj, duration); fprintf(錄音結束\n); fprintf(按任意鍵後開始播放:); pause play(recObj); Recording (1/2) Use default setting for 3-sec recording: audioRecord01.m Default settings for recording Sample rate: 8000 Hz Bit resolution: 8 bits Mono duration=3; % Duration of recording recObj=audiorecorder; fprintf(按任意鍵後開始 %g 秒錄音:, duration); pause % Prompt fprintf(錄音中...); % During recording recordblocking(recObj, duration); fprintf(錄音結束\n); % End of recording fprintf(按任意鍵後開始播放:); pause % Press any key for playback


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