Mixture Rb-H2(N2)系统中的振动碰撞能量.PDF

Mixture Rb-H2(N2)系统中的振动碰撞能量.PDF

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Mixture Rb-H2(N2)系统中的振动碰撞能量

Applied Physics 应用物理, 2015, 5, 39-45 Published Online April 2015 in Hans. /journal/app /10.12677/app.2015.54006 Experimental Evaluation of Vibrational Relaxation Energy Transfer in Rb-H (N ) 2 2 Mixture Jiang Yue, Baihui Liu, Hongmei Fan, Kang Dai, Jing Liu* School of Physics Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi Sinkiang * Email: xdlj@ th th th Received: Apr. 14 , 2015; accepted: Apr. 24 , 2015; published: Apr. 28 , 2015 Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Rb-H2 mixture was irradiated with pulses of 420.4nm radiation from a DYE laser. The vibrational levels of RbH(Х1Σ+ v = 0 - 2) generated in the reaction of Rb(6P) and H . Highly vibrationally ex- 2 cited RbH(X1Σ+ v = 17 - 20) were prepared using degenerate stimulated hyper-Raman pumping. An experimental study of vibrational relaxation energy transfer in RbH(X1Σ+ v = 17 - 20)-H (N ) 2 2 collisions and their vibrational relaxation rate coefficients had been performed. A CW laser was used to probe the prepared vibrational state. The decay signal of laser induced time-resolved flu- 1 + 1 + orescence from A Σ (v)→Х Σ (v) transition was monitored. Based on the Stern-Volmer equation, the total relaxation rate coefficient k (H ) had been



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