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第 25卷, 第 4期 Vol. 25, No. 4 2009年 12月 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEER ING Dec. 2009 : 1007- 6069( 2009) 04- 0033- 11 1, 2 1 1 卢建旗 , 李山有 , 李 伟 ( 1. , 1500 0; 2. , 1500 0) : 6, , 51, , , , : ; ; ; : U442; P315. 91 : A Study on ground m otion attenuation relationsh ip of m oderate earthquake risk a reas 1, 2 1 1 LU Jianq i , LI Shanyou , L IW ei ( 1. Institute of EngineeringM echanics, China E arthquake Adm inistration, H arbin 1500 0, China; 2. H eilongjiang ProvincialW ater Conservancy, Hydro Electric Investigation, Design Research institute, H arbin, 1500 0, China) Abs tract: G round motion attenuation relationship is a key factor for the seism ic hazard assessment, especially for comp iling seism ic zonemap. The current groundmotion attenuation relationsh ip is obtained based on theM s 6. 0 or larger earthquakesw ithout considering the attenuation features ofmoderate earthquakes. Therefore, this paper tries to get the intensity and ground motion attenuation relationsh ip through collecting the intensity records of moderate earthquake regions and tak ing advantage of the previous research results. By collecting the intensity records from CentralCh ina, South China and N ortheast China, the intensity attenuation relationship is obtained by using the sin gle variable w eighted least square regression method. Then, tak ing w estern Un ited States as a reference region, the ground motion attenuation relationships ofPGA and



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