仁爱8年级上Unit 4 Topic 3 Section B.PPT

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仁爱8年级上Unit 4 Topic 3 Section B

Practice (1) Jane never does her best to study, ____ ____? (2) There are few treasures in the tomb, ____ ____? (3) They didn’t go swimming yesterday, ____ ____? (4) Li Lei isn’t a worker, is he? ____, he is a student. (5) Let’s go to the movies, ____ ____? P131 肇庆曾经有很多老城墙。 他们应该停止拆那栋楼房。 他的裤子破烂不堪了,是吗? 我们应该努力保护那些古城墙。 我们可以从他身上学到很多东西。 只有少数同学可以解出那道数学题,是吗? 你能告诉我关于更多因特网的事情吗? Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Warriors 秦始皇兵马俑从葬坑位于临潼宴寨乡,在秦始皇陵园东侧1500米处。这是一个浩大的地下军事博物馆,被誉为世界第八大奇迹。 秦俑坑坐西向东,3座坑呈品字形排列。3座坑计有陶俑陶马8000余件。 原来的兵马俑着有颜色,因年久剥蚀,现在看到的只是灰瓦色。仔细观察,武士佣的脸型、发型、体态、神韵均有差异。 秦兵马俑的发掘被誉为“二十世纪考古史上伟大的发现之一”。 Language points Competition Please choose one animal you like and ask your partner about the place of interest which is behind it, using tag questions. 3b Group work Discuss some places of interest in groups. A: Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Warriors are one of the greatest wonders of the world, arent they? B: Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. Practice 1 Finish 3a. 2 Finish 3b. Sum up Work alone Complete the sentences according to the example. Example: The Xi’an City Wall is about 13.7 kilometers long. It is 12 meters high. It is 15-18 meters wide. Project 1. Sum up and practice tag questions (you can have a look at the language materials). 2. Sum up the main points in this lesson. 3. Assign homework. Homework: Write a short passage about a place of interest. 2. Do Project English Workbooks SectionB. 3. Preview Section C. Peking University West Lake What is it ? Where is it ? Why is it famous ? Do you know more about it? 4 . Work alone Complete the sentences using the example as a guide. Example: The Xi’an City Wall is about 13.7 kilometers long. It is 12 meters high. It is 15-18 meters wide. The Forbidden City is 960 meters ______ and 750 meters ______. The Grand Buddha in Leshan is 71 meters ______. long wide high West lake West Lake the Summer Palace the Great Wall Peking University the Grand Buddha the Forbid



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