基于DCT- LMS算法的自适应均衡系统的仿真研究 - 昆明理工大学学报.PDF

基于DCT- LMS算法的自适应均衡系统的仿真研究 - 昆明理工大学学报.PDF

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基于DCT- LMS算法的自适应均衡系统的仿真研究 - 昆明理工大学学报

30 5 ( ) V ol 30 N o5 2005 10 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Oct 2005 DCT- LM S 王庆平, 徐明远, 刘卫洪, 和丽芳 ( , 650093) : 首先简述了逆系统原理, 然后描述了用 MA TLA B 软件仿真实验得出 DCT - LM S 自适应均 衡滤波器的 敛性和稳态性与滤波器长度和信道失真参数之间的定量关系, 为此构建了有实际 意义的系统仿真模型做出了仿真实验结果并分析了仿真实验结果的意义, 最后对 DCT - LM S 算法性能与传统 LM S 算法的性能进行了分析比较 : 逆系统; DCT - LM S 算法; 滤波器 : TN 914 3 : A : 1007 - 855X ( 2005) 05- 00 65- 03 Simulation Research on Adaptive Equalization System Based on DCT- LM S A l orithm W ANG Q ing-p ing, XU M ing-yua n, L IU W e-i hong, HE L-i fa ng ( F acu lty of A pp lied T echno logy, K unm ing U n ive rsity o f Science and T echno logy, K unm ing 65009 3, Ch ina) Abstract: F irst, the principle o f the inverse system is introdu ced in th is p aper T hen, the qu ant ificationa l co rre- lation am ong the stab ility and astringency o f the DCT - LMS adapt ive equ alization filter and tw o mi portant p aram- eters of filter length and ch anne l distort ion are given through smi u la tion expermi en ts done w ith MATLA B so ft- w are Based on these, a practical smi u lation m odel is set up, the smi ulation resu lts are obtained and analyzed A t last, the p erfo rm ance o f the DCL - M S algorithm and the tradit iona l LMS algorithm is comp ared K ey words: inverse system; DCT - LM S algorithm; filter 0 (, ) ( ISI) , , ISI , LM S , , LM S, , , ( ) , DCT - LM S() , 1 1 H (z ), : : 2004 - 09 - 15 : ( : 2000F0044 0M ) : ( 1978~ ) , , , : 3 E- ma il:w qpgsz2000@ tom com 66


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