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2011, 27 ( 1): 65- 68 Journal of Ecology and R ural Environm ent 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 依成武 , 李倩倩 , 何 聪, 欧红香, 蔡 菁, 刘 宏, 何华刚, 陶明清 ( 1, 212013; 2, 2 12000) : pH , , pH - 1 6 - 1 500 mL m in , 9 10 mL , pH 918, 317 K, 4 d, 10 m in , 1000% : ; ; ; : X524 : A : 1673- 4831( 2011) 0 1- 0065- 04 1 1 1 Experiment on Strong Ionization DischargeKillingM icrocy stis a erug inosa. YI Chengwu , LI Q ianq ian , HE Cong , 1 1 1 1 2 OU H ong iang , CA I J ing , LIUH ong , HE H uagang , TAO M ingq ing ( 1. Sch l f the Envir nm ent, Jiangsu Univers i ty, Zhenjiang 212013, China; 2. Zh ngtian W ater C rp rati n f Jiangsu, Zhenjiang 2 12000, China) Abstract: An expermi ent w as carried u t t k illM icrocystis aerug inosa in w ater w ith str ng i n izati n d ischarge, and k ill ing rate fM icrocystis aeruginosa in relati n t aerati n rate, in itial p pulati n f the bacteria, durati n f incubati n, pH and tem perature was studied. It was f und that w ith in a certain range, the killing rate increased w ith rising aerati n rate, initial p pu lati n f the bacteria, durati n f incubati n, pH and tem perature. W hen the aerati n ratew as set at 500 mL - 1 6 - 1 m in , in itial p pulati n f the bacteria at 9 10 mL , pH at 918, temperature at 317 K, durati n f incubati n at 4 days, and durati n f treatm ent at 10 m inutes, the killing rate f M icrocys tis aerug inosa reached as h igh as cl se t 1000% . Key words: str ng i n izati n d ischarge; M icrocystis aerug inosa; killing rate; hydr xyl radical



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