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涂装工艺英语 注塑机:Injection 喷油:Spraying 丝印:Net Printing 烫金:Bronzing 大件喷柜:Spraying booth 塑胶无尘涂装生产线:Plastic Dust-free Painting Production Line 无尘生产车间:Dust-free Painting Workshop 产品:Products 工人正在喷涂电视机外壳:The worker is spraying the Television outer shell 供风系统:Dust-free painting starts with air purification 排风系统:Painting Room Gas Treatment 打磨:Burnish; rubbing; sanding 丝印:Net Printing 喷嘴:nozzle 施工粘度Working viscosity 喷涂压力:spray pressure 喷枪距离:spray distance 喷涂轨迹:spray track 雾化:atomization 挥发速度:volatilizate speed 喷枪口径: spray gun caliber 手动除尘:The worker is doing away with the dust 无尘喷涂室:Dust-free spray booth 水转印:Water Transfer Printing UV固化线:Automatic UV Light Drying Equipment 各类塑胶产品喷涂展示:The plastics rubber springs the product of the paint 电视机外壳:TV set casing 提供机械性能测试报告:Provide mechanical test report 低温跌落测试:Cold drop test 常温跌落测试:Normal drop test 检验电性能:Check electrical performance 涂料专业术语 涂层:coating 涂料:coating 涂膜: film coating 溶剂 ? ?Solvent 稀释剂 ?Thinner 丙烯酸 ?Acrylic 树脂 ? ?Resin 丙烯酸 ? ? ?Acrylic Resin 环氧树脂 ? ?Epoxy Resin 聚酯树脂 ? ?Polyester Resin 氨基树脂 ? ?Amino Resin 聚氨酯 polyurethane 醇酸树脂 ? ?Alkyd Resin 热固型和热塑性丙烯酸树脂 ? ?Thermosetting Thermoplastic Acrylic 有机和无机颜料 ? Orgasmic Inorganic ?Pigment 铝粉浆 ? ? ? Aluminum Paste 铜金粉(浆) Bronze powder(Paste) 色浆 ? ? ? ? Colorant 蜡粉(浆) ? Wax powder(Dispersion) 玻璃珠 ? ? ? Glass Bead 流平剂 ? ? ? Leveling Agent 硅类消泡剂 ? Deformer 附着力促进剂 ?Adhesion Promoter 颜料分散剂 ? ?Dispersing Agent(dispersant) UV固化涂料 ? ?UV-curing Paints 卷材涂料 ? ? ?Coil Coating 粘合剂 ? ? ? ?Adhesives 塑胶材料 ? ? ?Plastic ?material 金属材料 ? ? ?Metal ?material 配 方 ?formulation 性 能 ?Performance 耐磨性 Abrasion performance 喷涂性 Applicability 附着力 Adhesion 硬度 ? Hardness 表干 ? Touch Dry 硬干 ? hard Dry 固体份 NON-Volatile 比重 ? Specific Gravity 粘度 ? Viscosity 细度 ? Fineness 厚度 ? Thickness 漆膜外观 Appearance 颜色 ?Color 光泽 ?Gloss 包装 ?Parking 批号 ?Batch. NO 检测 ?Back-check 底漆 ?Primer 清漆 ?varnish 不良缺陷专业术语 脆化 embitterment 丝状腐蚀 fibril corrosion 针孔状腐蚀 corrosion pin-holes 生白锈 white-rusting 生锈 rusting 长霉 mildew-growing 粉化 cha


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