
沟通与协调 - tmatw.pdf

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沟通与协调 - tmatw

溝通與協調溝通與協調 童恒新 教授 現職 • 國立台北護理健康大學 教授兼副教務長 • 整合照護學會 常務理事暨教育推廣委員會主委 • 台灣專科護理師學會 常務理事暨國際事務委員會主委 • 台灣急診管理學會 理事 • 台灣心臟胸腔護理學會 理事 • 台灣護理管理學會 國際事務委員會委員 • 重要性 • 基本原則 • 跨團隊 • 與個案及其家屬 WHY? • In 1999, the Institute of Medicine published the famous “To Err Is Human” report, which dropped a bombshell on the medical community by reporting that up to 98,000 people a year die because of mistakes in hospitals • In 2010, the Office of Inspector General for Health and Human Services said that bad hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 patients in Medicare alone in a given year. • Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death, the study says. • That would make medical errors the third-leading cause of death in America, behind heart disease, which is the first, and cancer, which is second. • Medicare patients with chronic diseases persist; at least 25% of these are considered preventable • pilot a transitional care program (Transitions Across Care Settings [TRACS]) for improving coordination of care • • The overall readmission rate for 104 patients in the pilot TRACS program was 4.8%. Readmission rates were 0% for acute myocardial infarction, 7.1% for congestive heart failure, and 4.4% for pneumonia. • The economic and societal burdens of hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) continue to rise • 8 components: ambulation/fall risk, blood glucose greater than 200 mg/dL, central venous catheters, deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis, erosions of the skin/dermal ulcers, Foley/urinary catheters, got com


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