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IPv6 Host Address Auto-Configuration Auto-configuration 目的 合法IP的取得 Router位置的取得(在沒有Router的情況下也要能夠自動發現無Router存在) DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) DAD的原理 跟目前在IPv4上利用ARP來檢查重覆IP的方式類似 只是DAD發出的是Neighbor solicitation而不是ARP request。 Mobile IPv6 : Concepts [3] Mobile IPv6 : Concepts Mobile IPv6 : Concepts Mobile IPv6 : Concepts Mobile IPv6 : Concepts 路由返回程序 (Return Routability) RR是在MN發BU之前作的 為了防止有人假冒行動節點發送連結更新給對應節點,所以在這邊做簡單但是有效的的確認程序 Return Routability:Step1 MN會發送本地測試初始(Home Test Init,HoTI)訊息和轉交測試初始(Coa-of Test Init,CoTI)訊息到對應節點 兩個封包都有夾帶著cookie 資料。 讓兩個封包走不同的路徑 是為了不讓有惡意的攻擊者同時攔截到兩個封包。 Return Routability:Step3 當成功產生連結管理金鑰(Kbm)後,返回路由能力流程即完成。 而其後行動節點所發送的連結更新訊息都要夾帶一個連結驗證資料給對應節點驗證,驗證資料的計算方式如下: 如此對應節點就可藉由驗證此資料是否正確,用來避免收到偽造的行動節點發送出假的連結更新訊息。 * * Routing optimization * Network initiated Handover The network determines the Handover (the oldAR decides the new point of attachment to which the MN will move). The oldAR initiates signalling to the MN and newAR to start the layer 3 Handover. Mobile initiated Handover The MN determines the Handover (the mobile must detect and start Handover). MN chooses to force its movement to a new point of attachment. The MN initiates signalling to the oldAR to start the handover. * Test return routability for home address(HoTI,HoT) Test return routability for care-of address(CoTI,CoT) HoT and CoT carry nonces to be combined to make Kbu Very few nodes see nonces in both HoT and CoT BSA in current specification is short-lived Correspondent node Keeps no per-mobile state during HoT/CoT Diffie-Hellman could be another option but it’s either expensive or patented ND的基本運作環境是一個Broadcast網路,所以若是在非broadcast網路內,需要有些微的改變或是加強才能正常運作, 在wireless網路內,一般的broadcast只局限在單一cell內,若IP網域是以cell為subnet,應該可以不用修改架構就能使用ND,但若一subnet跨越多個cell時,就要有另外的輔助來促成ND的進行。 MIPv6 Operation -Handover Network initiated Handover The network determines the Handover Mobile initiated Handover The MN determines the Handover Mobile IPv6運作流程 當MN從Router A移動到Router B之下,會收到新網域中Router B所發出來的RA,因為此RA中所帶的N


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