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39 4 四川大 学 学 报 ( 工程 科 学版 ) V o.l 39 N o. 4 2007 7 JOU RNA L O F S ICHUA N U N IV ER S ITY ( EN G IN EER ING SC IENCE ED IT ION ) Ju ly 2007 1009-30 87 ( 2007) 04-0 151-05 1 2 1 1 吴庆阳, 苏显渝 , 李景镇 , 惠 彬 ( 1. , 5 18060; 2. , 6 10064 ) , , , , , , , , , , ; ; ; O 348 A A NewM ethod forExtracting the Centre-line ofLine Structure Light-stripe 1 2 1 1 WU Qing-yang , SUX ian-yu , LI J ing-zhen , H UI B in ( 1. C ollege of E lectron ic S c.i and T echnol. , Shenzhen U n iv. , Shen zhen 5 18060, Ch ina; 2. School of E lectron ics and Info. E ng. , S ichuan U n iv. , Chengdu 6 10064, Ch ina) Abstract: F ast and accurately extracting the centre line of light stripe of mi age is one of them ost mi portant problem s of 3D m easurem ent b ased on line-structure light. A new centre-extracted m ethod that com b ined the alterab le d irec- t ion temp late w ith b arycenter m ethod w as proposed for the mi p lem entation o f rea-l tmi e mi age processing. F irst, the threshold of laser strip e w as computed by the host com puter and laser strip e w as de term ined in real t mi e by the ne ighbor attribute of grey level o f p ixel. Second, the sketch w as obta ined by th inn ing the light o f stripe and pruning the branch. Th ird, the norm a l direct ion of the po in t on the ske tch line w as com puted by u sing the alterable d irec- t ion temp late. F ina lly, the centre- line of light w as detected by u sing b arycenter m ethod. It h as been proved by ex- am ination that th is m ethod can e ff iciently extracted the centre- line o f light


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