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26 2 Vol. 26, No. 2 2006 4 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEERING AND ENG INEER ING VIBRATION Apr. 2006 : 1000-1301( 2006) 02- 0062- 04 1, 2 2 薛景宏 , 张敏政 ( 1. , 163318; 2. , 150080) : , , 4 2 , 4 , 2, 0. 42% 0. 4% , 25H z , , , : ; ; : P315. 5 : A Structure dam age indicator based on tim e dom ain correlation analy sis 1, 2 2 Xue Jinghong , Zhang M inzheng ( 1. College ofArchitecture C ivil Engineering, Daqing Petroleum Institute, Daqing 163318, China; 2. Institute ofEng ineering M echanics, China Earthquake A dm inistration, H arbin 150080, China) Abs tract: A structure damage indicator based on tmi e dom ain correlation analysis is expatiated. Expermi ent of th is indicator is done for the purpose of exploring a damage identification methodw hich is subitale to little damage. The expermi entmodel is a 2-floors steel frame w ith four columns. Themodel is settled in soil through four piles. Dam- age slots aremade at the top of the first floor columns and wt o damage conditions are considered. The first order fre- quency change percentages, 0. 42 percent and 0. 4 percent, are calculated through numerical smi u lation. The model bottom is excited by an exciterwh ich gives 25 HZ sinusoidal excitation. The ind icator is calcu lated by using top andm iddle floor response and the indicators change percentage curvesw ith the damage degree are plotted. The resu lt of expermi ent show s that the ind icator is sensitive to damage and it has the potential to judge and evaluate the structure dam age. K ey w ord s: dam


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