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25 6 Vol. 25,No. 6 2005 6 ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA Jun. ,2005 1, 2 1* 1 彭艳琼 , 杨大荣 , 王秋艳 ( 1. , 650223; 2. , 100039) : , 3 , :; , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; : 1000-0933( 2005) 06-1347-05: 145, 965. 8: A Adj ustment and stabilization of sex ratio in Ceratosolen solmsi marchali 1, 2 1* 1 PENG Yan- iong , YANG Da-Rong , WANG iu-Yan ( X ishuangbanna Trop ical Botanical Garden, Chinese A cademy of Sciences, K unming 650223, China; Graduate School of ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100039, China) .Act a Ecologica S inica , 2005, 25(6) : 347 35 . : - . Abstract All fig pollinating wasps share a similar life cycle Generally some number of mated foundress wasps enter a receptive male fig, lay eggs in ovaries of flowers, then and die. The offspring finish development within the ovary. The wingless adult males first emerge from natal galls, and crawl around the interior of syconium, and mate with females still contained in galls. The mated female wasps then emerge from their galls, gather pollen, leave the syconium, and disperse to begin the cycle anew . The natural history of fig-pollinating wasps makes them well suited for the study of sex ratio evolution, especially local mate competition (LMC) , and good fits have been obtained between empirical data and model preditions incorporating LMC and inbreeding effects at the population level. At present, LM C, inbreeding and haplodiploidy are generally regarded as three . , - mechanism


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