原发性肝癌患者和健康人“正常舌象”的对比研究 - Journal of.PDF

原发性肝癌患者和健康人“正常舌象”的对比研究 - Journal of.PDF

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原发性肝癌患者和健康人“正常舌象”的对比研究 - Journal of

中西医 结合 学报 2 0 06 年 1 月 第 4 卷 第 1 期 Jou r n al o f C hi ne se In t egr a tiv e M edicin e , J a n uar y 2 0 06 , V o l .4 , N o .1 ·13 · 原 发 性 肝 癌 患者 和 健 康 人“正 常 舌 象 ”的对 比研 究 邓伟哲, 岳小强, 刘 庆 , 高静 东, 任 荣政 , 凌昌全 ( 第二军医大学长海医院中医科 , 上海 2004 33 ) [摘要] 目的: 通过对原发性肝癌患者和健康人“正常舌象”进行微观 比较, 为舌诊的微观辨证研究提供必要 的临床资料。方法 : 运用舌尖微循环检查及舌苔脱落细胞染色法, 对原发性肝癌患者和健康人 中的“正常舌 象”进行对 比研 究。结 果 : “正 常舌象”在健康人组 中更 为常见 ( 38 .89 % ) , 而在原发性肝癌组 中则较少见 (2 .32% ) 。原发性肝癌组“正常舌象”舌尖微循环总积分和舌苔脱落细胞成熟指数均明显高于健康人组( P 0 .01, P 0 .05) 。结论:“正常舌象”在原发性肝癌患者和健康人中均可出现, 但两者在微观上却存在明显差异。 [ 关键词] 正常舌象; 微循环; 舌苔脱落细胞; 肝肿瘤 [ 中图分类号] R24 1 .25 [ 文献标识码] A [ 文章编号 ] 1672- 1977 ( 2006 ) 0 1-0013-04 Comparat ive s tudy on normal tongue manifes tat ion in pat ients w ith primary liver cancer and healthy adul ts Wei-Zhe DENG, Xiao-Qiang YUE, Qing LIU, Jing-Dong GAO , Rong-Zheng REN, Chang-Quan LING ( Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University , Shanghai 200433 , China) ABSTRACT Obj ective: To f ind out some mic roscopically visible morphological differences in normal tongue manifestation between patients with primary liver cancer and healthy adults , and prov ide some benef icial ev idences for microcosmic syndrome differentiation of tongue inspection . Methods : Microc irculations of the tongue tip, which represented the macroscopical normal tongue manifestation, were observed under an opti- cal microscope in patients with primary liver cancer and healthy adults . Exfoliated cells f rom tongue coating were examined by hematoxylin-eos in staining . Results : The proportion of normal tongue manifestation was larger in healthy adults ( 38 .89 % ) than that in patients w ith primary liver cancer ( 2 .32 % ) . The total score of microc irculation of to


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