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33 2 () Vol. 33 No. 2 2010 6 JOURNAL OF NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY ( Natural Science Edition) Jun, 2010 含色散特性的负折射材料的一维光子 晶体偏振特性的研究 1, 2 1 2 林国华 , 王永顺, 张 羽 ( 1. , 212003) ( 2. , 210097) [ ] , TE TM , , , , . [ ] , , [ ] O436 [ ] A [ ] 1001-4616( 2010) 02-0043-03 Study on Properties of Polarization ofOne-Dimension Photonic Crystal Comprised by aDispersiveNegative-IndexMaterial 1, 2 1 2 L in G uohua , W ang Y ongshun , Zhang Y u ( 1. Departm ent of P ysics, Z enjiangW atercraft College, Z enjiang 212003, C ina) ( 2. Sc ool of P ysics and Tec nology, Nanjing N orm alUniversity, N anjing 210097, C ina) bstract: Band gaps of one-d mi ension p otonic crystal contain ing d ispersive negative- index m aterial and positive-index m aterial are studied. Band gaps of TE w ave andTM w ave are calculated, and from t e resultsw e can find t at t e prop- erties of t e band gaps are c anged by t e c ange of t e inciden t angle w ic as t eoretical sign ificance for using t e d ispersive negative-index m aterial. K ey words: p otonic crystal, properties of polarization, d ispersive negative-index m aterial , , . TE TM [ 1-6] . ( N IM )( zero-n) [ 7, 8] [ 7] . . 1 模型和计算理论 A, B, A ( PIM), B(N IM ), d , d , , , , , n = , i = A, A B A B A B i


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