场效应器件表面修饰对D NA 测试性能影响的研究3 - 传感技术学报.PDF

场效应器件表面修饰对D NA 测试性能影响的研究3 - 传感技术学报.PDF

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场效应器件表面修饰对D NA 测试性能影响的研究3 - 传感技术学报

第 22 卷  第 1 期 传 感 技 术 学 报 Vol . 22  N o . 1 2009 年 1 月 CHIN ES E J OU RNAL O F S EN SORS AND AC TUA TORS J an . 2009 The Research of the Infl uence of Surface Modif ication on the D NA Test Characteristics of Fiel d Eff ect Devices Z ON G X i aol i n , W U Ch uns heng , WA N G L ij i ang , WA N G P i ng B iosens or N at ional S p eci al L aboratory , Key L aboratory of B iome dical Eng i neeri ng of N at ional E d ucat ion M i nis t ry , D ep art ment of B iome d ical Eng i neeri ng , Z hej i ang Uni vers ity , H angz hou 3 10027 , Chi na Abstract :The surf ace mo dification wa s car ried out emp loying sulf uric acid and met hanolH Cl solution re sp ectively . The t e st charact eri stic s were illu st rat ed by t he mea surement of t he outp ha se imp edance ( re f er red to a s Zq) v s bia s volt age impo sed bet ween t he F ED and t he ref erence elect ro de . The ZqV curve s are diff erent aft er diff erent surf ace mo dification s. Wit h t he sulf uric acid t reat ment , t he ZqV curve change s lit t le , w hile t he t reat ment by t he met hanolH Cl solutio n will cau se t he decrea se of t he sen sitivit y of t he F ED . The silanizatio n an d fluore scinlabeling of t he surface aft er t he se t wo kin ds of t reat ment reveal t hat t he t reat ment s cau se lit t le influence on t he silanization eff ect of t he surface . The F EDba sed DN A sen sor s were p rep ared aft er t he surface mo dification of t he F ED . The met hanolH Cl t reat ment will make t he read out of t he DN


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